Xerox bets R&D future on pap
I had no idea Xerox was in SL.
But, since it's all top-secret and non-public access, it comes as no real surprise.
Xerox bets R&D future on pap | The Register
But, since it's all top-secret and non-public access, it comes as no real surprise.
So there we were at one of the most famed research labs on the planet - where things like the PC, Ethernet and laser printers had their start - and the CTO of Xerox took us through a Romper Room journey into in the trite and vacuous. For example, Vandebroek bragged about Xerox's creation of a Second Life research and development center as one of the ways the company is encouraging openness. Unfortunately, only authorized Xerox folks can visit the site. Even worse, Vandebroek polled the 160 or so people in the audience to find out how many even use Second Life, only to discover three timid hands going into the air. Her jaw dropped in shock.
Xerox bets R&D future on pap | The Register
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Tags: SecondLife, SL, Xerox, Corporate, Commerce, Selling, Buying, Commercial

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