PostHeaderIcon I.P. Markings Going Too Far

Okay - so it's really cool that Logitech has a three-dimensional (3D) mouse. And, it's cool that it will support Second Life right out of the box. And it's cool that the press release gives a lot of detail. And it's even cool that you'll be able to put your hands on it and test drive it at the Virtual Worlds Conference and Expo... if you happen to be in new York.

What's so funny is that this is a press release that appears to have been written by Logitech, but vetted by Linden Lab. Of course, this is only my opinion and even if I am way off-base here, the main thrust of my diatribe is this:

Isn't it absolutely hilarious how the text copy is simply riddled with intellectual property and trade markings? To me, it actually is a distraction in the reading of it and makes it look sloppy. I know, it's just my opinion. But I find it so, so funny that I am actually, and I mean literally laughing aloud.

Here is the introduction to the press release. And it is interesting information. Check the link at the bottom to read the full document.
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today at the Virtual Worlds Conference and Expo, 3Dconnexion, a Logitech company, announced that its 3D mouse product line will be supported by the Second Life Grid®, the platform behind the popular online 3D virtual world created by Linden Lab®. 3Dconnexion’s 3D mice – including the award-winning SpaceNavigator™ – will be supported by Second Life beginning in mid-April, offering Second Life residents better control and coordination with 3D objects.
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