Second Life Taxman Gets Closer
I have been saying countless times to all you "business owners" in Second Life who like to proclaim that you make enough money through the virtual world that it is a significant, substantial or even all your "real life income" that you'd better watch what you say and do because the tax collector is absolutely itching to get his hands into your back pocket.
Hamlet Au has required reading for anyone and everyone in this category, even if you only casually and infrequently 'cash-out' any credit Linden Lab owes you.

via New World Notes
Hamlet Au has required reading for anyone and everyone in this category, even if you only casually and infrequently 'cash-out' any credit Linden Lab owes you.
Second Life Specifically Named: "The tax treatment of transactions on Second Life could differ from the treatment of transactions on other virtual worlds because according to the TOS Second Life Residents retain certain intellectual property rights to their virtual creations."
via New World Notes

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