PostHeaderIcon Second Life Selling Tip 05 of 15: Hit the 'Street'

If you sell anything at all, it is imperative you do not under-estimate the power of the tool that is XStreet SL (XSL). You absolutely must list your products there, no matter if you make sales from there or not. Reason: many SL residents such as myself will use XSL for it's searching and shopping functions, then go in-world for the actual purchase.

Along with your sales pitch for your product, include the entire instructions (if the product comes with any) as well. I was shopping for a rifle not too long ago - the decision-making process can be an arduous one and I ended-up going with the creator who included the full instructions in their XSL description. Those instructions answered a lot of question for me - purchase-decision-making questions. By answering those questions for me by including the full operating instructions, I felt comfortable the product would do what I want and so I made the purchase.

Always include a SLURL to your in-world shop. XSL now makes that easy as there is a field specifically for that purpose. Include several high-resolution (800x800 pixel) pictures that don't include all the sales information - preferably one or two on white or black background and perhaps one or two demonstrating the in-world environment. Remember to focus on the product - not the "scene" of the picture.

Also, include links in the description at the top (and sometimes the bottom if you are inclined) of the page that go to your other XSL listings of a similar nature, such as variations of the same product (colors, styles, different permissions, etc.) Please don't make me click the 'other items' from you and have to manually browse your stuff - especially if all I'm looking for is the same product but in a different color or style. If you have a web page or site with high-detailed information - include that link. But, do not leave the XSL listing blank or expect me to go to your web site to get information!

I am a hunter. I am impatient. I want it now.

If you are having a sale or offer a "discount" for purchasing in-world, say so up front. Many will use XStreet SL because hunting can be far easier to do from a web site, but will go in-world to view or otherwise continue shopping. Especially for 'rezzable' items like furniture or vehicles.

Here is my own method of "hunt-shopping" for a genre of product, but unclear what product:
Search XSL for the genre. View listings, open interesting items in new browser tab. I'll go through about 30 or 40 pages of genre listings before I investigate the tabs containing details of the items. (I really wish XStreet would allow me to list 100 results per page, I hate flipping through 10 at a time.)
For each item, if the product art is sloppy, I'll just close the tab and not waste my time. If there is minimal description and information, I'll close the tab and move on. If something is compelling enough to investigate further, I always look to see what other items this creator is selling. I will often hit the SLURL link to visit their point of sale (POS) location in-world.

XSL is a POS location. But do make it easy to hop in-world to your main point of sale. Make it easy as possible for me to give you my money by providing multiple spending and information-gathering options.

You get about one-second to grab my attention in the XSL search results, then about three-seconds to keep me on your product details page. if you really want me to buy, include all the same information at XSL that you include in your pre-sales informational notecards - including any operating instructions.

Want the whole kaboodle? There is far more detail in the 'how' and 'why' in my book: Successful Business in Second Life (SBSL - Second Edition for 2009/10; 270-pages) is available at XStreet SL. The book includes both, an in-world and eReader version. There also is an  Amazon Kindle version, (you receive both: ereader and in-world versions no matter where you purchase it.)

Along with using SXtreest SL as a "newspaper" for advertising and all that, you also can and should consider how you set your product permissions to help control sales.

Update: Linden Lab has just announced a new roadmap for XSL - part of which will be the cost of L$10 per listing per month. So I will be posting a "Bonus Selling Tip" to explain how to take advantage of this to better increase sales for you and improve business. (Look for SLST "Bonus" ti:p": Selling Multiple Items on XSL In One Listing" (paraphrased title).
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