"Who Are The Hottest Male Avatars" (Are You Effing Kidding?)
I know that Hamlet Au is blogging for a living, which explains the sometimes ridiculous subjects he covers (the goal of course to get readers and comments so the adverts will put food on his table.)
But sometimes I simply can't help slapping my forehead in ridiculous imbecile laughter. Not at Hamlet... but rather at the people who actually comment on some of these articles - and I do mean the comment itself - not the person in general. It is the comments section of these posts where all the true entertainment is.
Case-in-point: New World Notes article titled: "Open Forum: Who Are The Hottest Male Avatars of 2009 (Who Haven't Been Nominated in Previous Years)?" Holy smackers, Batman, the comments that follow are ludicrous. Let us start with the very instigator of this ridiculous concept of a contest:
Emphasis is mine and makes my entire point for me. Physical attractiveness. Ummm... WTF, helloooo? What "physical attractiveness"? Unless of course she means based on first life pictures submitted that are all either ripped from Google image search or 25-years-old so they don't show the avatar driver in their current buck-tooth, 300-pound state.
However, the real hoot comes from all the gullible fools who actually participate. No, not gullible in the participation, but gullible to their own imagination - and I don't mean all of them, but rather those who make comments like this:
Wait... are you serious?
I know that a virtual world can really do a number on our emotional wiring and the way we perceive things... but there is a simple matter of logic, isn't there?
I am so sorry, but I am literally rolling on the floor here. A "natural masculine air"? Really? "Oozes with sensuality" - okay, the entertainment value in the multiple pages of comments on that post is just priceless.
Hellooooo... these "people" you are nominating with ga-ga-goo-goo euphoria are all pixel-based cartoons, folks. Frankly I am rather embarrassed for all these people. Yes, dear readers, I admit I commented on this NWN post as well. Though I don't think anyone noticed it as I didn't fall all over myself cooing and drooling over how someone's avatar looks.
/me shakes my head in disgrace.
(Via New World Notes: Open Forum: Who Are The Hottest Male Avatars of 2009 (Who Haven't Been Nominated in Previous Years)?.)
But sometimes I simply can't help slapping my forehead in ridiculous imbecile laughter. Not at Hamlet... but rather at the people who actually comment on some of these articles - and I do mean the comment itself - not the person in general. It is the comments section of these posts where all the true entertainment is.
Case-in-point: New World Notes article titled: "Open Forum: Who Are The Hottest Male Avatars of 2009 (Who Haven't Been Nominated in Previous Years)?" Holy smackers, Batman, the comments that follow are ludicrous. Let us start with the very instigator of this ridiculous concept of a contest:
"Actually Arcadia, intelligence, personality, and talent are all taken into account in this, as well as physical attractiveness. I'm no fan of pure beauty contests at all. ^^
Posted by: Iris Ophelia Wednesday, December 02, 2009 at 10:13 AM"
However, the real hoot comes from all the gullible fools who actually participate. No, not gullible in the participation, but gullible to their own imagination - and I don't mean all of them, but rather those who make comments like this:
There's plenty of hot males in SL most of them would die before being given the title though since I've invariably found the hottest guys are the most modest.
However I'll toss a few names into the ring just to see them blush.
Nerio Yoshikawa - Dark and sexy RP'r
Tristan Silversmith - Total Fairy Queen but very hot
Miro Collas - Co-Owner of Animations Rising - Masculinity embodied in an avatar.
Posted by: Angel Slocombe
Wednesday, December 02, 2009 at 10:13 AM
Wait... are you serious?
I know that a virtual world can really do a number on our emotional wiring and the way we perceive things... but there is a simple matter of logic, isn't there?
I added a comment earlier:
"I'd like to nominate Kebbo Kidd - ok, I may be biased, but I have seen how other people comment on his av. Recently, someone said that "Keebo has a natural, masculine air that just oozes with sensuality" - and I am not the author of the quote, I swear!"
Typo is my middle name, hehe... instead of Kebbo, please read Keebo Kidd (it's not my intention to "shout", but just to stress the correct spell: KEEBO KIDD)
Posted by: Ricco Saenz | Wednesday, December 02, 2009 at 12:51 PM
I am so sorry, but I am literally rolling on the floor here. A "natural masculine air"? Really? "Oozes with sensuality" - okay, the entertainment value in the multiple pages of comments on that post is just priceless.
Hellooooo... these "people" you are nominating with ga-ga-goo-goo euphoria are all pixel-based cartoons, folks. Frankly I am rather embarrassed for all these people. Yes, dear readers, I admit I commented on this NWN post as well. Though I don't think anyone noticed it as I didn't fall all over myself cooing and drooling over how someone's avatar looks.
/me shakes my head in disgrace.
So this is really a nomination for who can get a handle on the appearance sliders better than everyone else, right?
Posted by: Ari Blackthorne™ | Wednesday, December 02, 2009 at 10:34 AM
(Via New World Notes: Open Forum: Who Are The Hottest Male Avatars of 2009 (Who Haven't Been Nominated in Previous Years)?.)

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