PostHeaderIcon Did You Just Change Your Hair In Front Of Me? Birds & Bees Guy Tip #73: If you actually notice a lady-friend has changed her hairstyle, something's up. As a rule of thumb, there is some kind of change in her life, profound or not, but significant nonetheless.

By now, you have likely noticed Common Sensible's 'hairstyle' has changed rather dramatically. For those of you whom have followed this blog for some time, this is likely no great surprise. In the past I have changed the look for no reason other than tiring of the old look.

Well in this case: "something's up".

No, I haven't gone and offended a sim-load of women (though I would suspect that happens on a  daily basis, ) but rather I was having issues with WordPress.

I use many different methods to post my diatribe on Common Sensible, including Mars Edit and Ecto when on my Mac or often via the Flock browser when I am not inclined to use either of the previous two.

However, for some darned reason WordPres is acting wonky when Flock tries to connect and it has problems reading the categories lists. I know it's a WordPress issue because most of my other blogs there work just fine. But a few, including this one are just 'hosed' for some reason.

So, it's back to Google's Blogger for Common Sensible and while I am at it, I decided to throw-up this look, which was my second choice when evaluating themes the last time. I like how the home page will display only the initial rhetoric, hopefully earning enough of your attention to have you click-through. But more importantly to me is that you can browse the current and previous six posts without scrolling the page.

So there you have it.

Now to the house-cleaning, starting with the spaghetti of old tags scattered throughout this dusty old place.
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