New SL Voice feature to be provided by Voadafone?
Remember that survey Linden Lab offered on voice-enabled features where they asked you about voice mail, a phone number where RL can dial into YOU. Or even the possibility of converting voice to text and vice-versa?
Looks like it's the Vodafone people. Now, I don't know this for sure, and it's just a snippet in a larger story. As soon as I get the chance, I'll head over to the Vodafone site and see if I can confirm this.
This is all that was mentioned in the article:
Looks like it's the Vodafone people. Now, I don't know this for sure, and it's just a snippet in a larger story. As soon as I get the chance, I'll head over to the Vodafone site and see if I can confirm this.
This is all that was mentioned in the article:
"Vodafone recently announced the beta launch of Vodafone Inside Out, a mobile platform created in conjunction with virtual environment Second Life, enabling subscribers to contact others Second Life avatars via real-world handsets."

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