Mange Your RL Portfolio in Second Life
Linden Lab wacked all the virtual banks (well, the ones offering a return on investment, anyway,) unless they are licensed and registered in real life and all that hogwash.
And, as the Linden Dollar banks closed down or realigned themselves, the next big question had to do with all the virtual stock exchanges.
Personally, I don't see a need for a 'bank' inside SL. Neither do I see the need for a virtual stock exchange. But, a real-world bank... that would handle the exchange of Lindens (L$) and real-world dollars... even manage a real world portfolio from within SL?
Food for thought?
The things that make you go 'hmmmm'
(...still won't likely touch it, though) ;)
And, as the Linden Dollar banks closed down or realigned themselves, the next big question had to do with all the virtual stock exchanges.
Personally, I don't see a need for a 'bank' inside SL. Neither do I see the need for a virtual stock exchange. But, a real-world bank... that would handle the exchange of Lindens (L$) and real-world dollars... even manage a real world portfolio from within SL?
Food for thought?
The things that make you go 'hmmmm'
Virtual money: the next big thing in the payments market?: "... according to a report by Finextra, Danish online investment bank Saxo is establishing an office in Second Life and plans to offer residents the chance to manage real-life portfolios from within the virtual world. The bank says that it may also eventually create a market to trade the virtual Linden dollar against real-world currencies."Source
(...still won't likely touch it, though) ;)

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