Linden Lab Goes AWOL?
[caption id="attachment_282" align="alignleft" width="250" caption="Linden Lab Goes AWOL"]
Has Linden Lab gone AWOL?
It sure seems like it. I don't know, perhaps it's me and the entire internet connection in two different cities in my area (at home and where I work). I'm really not sure.
Every web site I visit seems to come up as it's supposed to. Google and Cuil are pretty fresh. In fact, there is life everywhere I go.
Except for the Second Life blog.
Has Linden Lab gone AWOL? Have San Francisco finally fallen into the Pacific? Have Linden Lab fallen asleep at the wheel? I know there are a lot people who would proclaim this had be alleged for the last few years.
So, why is the Second Life weblog so dusty? In two-and-a-half years of running around the virtual world and following along with the blog, I've never seen it go so long without a single posting, or even an update to and existing post.
So, I'm curious... is it only me? Are your seeing any updates? As of this writing (Thursday, August 14th, 2008) the last entry on the Second Life blog was made at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 10th. So what is really going on here?
Either I'm not seeing the updates for some reason, or there is a change coming. But what and regarding what? Is the blog itself going to change? In content? Design? Functionality or look? Or is there something big getting ready to happen? Something in-world that will be posted with a sudden announcement at the SL weblog?
And if it's the latter, is it something pithy and simple, hence the dearth of activity on the blog will naturally magnify and exagerate the importance of the news? Or is Linden Lab getting ready to drop some kind of hammer on our heads again?
I really don't know. What do you think?

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