The Other Shoe Falls Off (AO No Longer Means "Animation Override")
Via email 30-minutes ago:
Dear Second Life Resident,
You have a parcel or classified ad listing that appears to contain adult content, but is not located on an Adult region. On September 15th, the Adult Content Policy transition period will end. After the 15th, adult content may only be advertised if it is located on Adult regions.
On September 17th, we will be turning off auto-renew for any classified or parcel listings that are advertising adult content on PG or Mature regions. This means that these listings will expire from Search. To avoid having auto-renew turned off, please make sure your listings are in accord with the Adult Content Policy. Here's how:
Below you'll find detailed instructions as well as the full text and SLurl of your current listing(s). Please note that, if you choose to advertise adult content on non-adult regions in the future, your listings will not show up in all searches but will still incur full listing fees.
Moving to an Adult region
Please visit the Knowledge Base for tips for moving to an Adult region or flagging your region as Adult. Adult parcels are available at auction on Zindra, or can be found for sale in world.
Staying in a PG or Mature region
For Parcel Descriptions: Please remove adult-themed content from your parcel. Then, update your parcel description to reflect the PG or Mature theme of the parcel.
For Classifieds: Update your classified description to reflect the PG or Mature theme of the location or service.
Thank you,
Linden Lab Customer Support
Your affected listings include:
Parcel: ::City of Laura:: and the Meadowlands Gorean Authentic Charter Member. Roleplay and market, based on the book Captive of Gor by John Norman, as authentic as SL will allow. BtB Slave Submissive Kajira Master Dominant Collar Silks Panther Capture Combat Warrior
So it's official. Classified listings, parcel descriptions and, I suspect, profile “picks” will now officially be filtered to hide “Adult Only-Rated words”.
Please see above, where it explicitly states “Your affected listings include” - read that for me. Read it again, aloud this time. I now ask you, one and all: who in their right mind can point to any reasonable person who can find a single “adult-rated” word in that entire listing?
Is the word “Gorean”? How can that be an adult-rated word? It's the name of a fictional culture based on a science fiction novel for crying out loud. Perhaps the word is “Captive”? All you artiste's better not hold captive audiences, unless you change the rating of your venue for certain.
Ahah! Perhaps it is the word “slave”? I hope no one intends to have a museum dedicated to the “Underground Railroad” on PG-rated land. Or perhaps it's the word “submissive”? Or “Master” or “Dominant” … or… “silks?
What I am getting at here is that this listing is not being filtered for what it says. It is not being filtered for the idea it attempts to project (Gorean-themed role-play).
But rather, it filters based on what you think it is saying (which is still nothing.)
The Linden Lab indexing computer is now the thought-police.
Dear Second Life Resident,
You have a parcel or classified ad listing that appears to contain adult content, but is not located on an Adult region. On September 15th, the Adult Content Policy transition period will end. After the 15th, adult content may only be advertised if it is located on Adult regions.
On September 17th, we will be turning off auto-renew for any classified or parcel listings that are advertising adult content on PG or Mature regions. This means that these listings will expire from Search. To avoid having auto-renew turned off, please make sure your listings are in accord with the Adult Content Policy. Here's how:
- If you would like to advertise adult-themed content, then please relocate to an Adult region.
- If you would like to remain on a PG or Mature region, you must remove adult-themed content from your parcel, parcel description and classified ads.
Below you'll find detailed instructions as well as the full text and SLurl of your current listing(s). Please note that, if you choose to advertise adult content on non-adult regions in the future, your listings will not show up in all searches but will still incur full listing fees.
Moving to an Adult region
Please visit the Knowledge Base for tips for moving to an Adult region or flagging your region as Adult. Adult parcels are available at auction on Zindra, or can be found for sale in world.
Staying in a PG or Mature region
For Parcel Descriptions: Please remove adult-themed content from your parcel. Then, update your parcel description to reflect the PG or Mature theme of the parcel.
- Go to your parcel and open About Land by clicking World --> About Land.
- Update the title and description to remove adult themes.
- On About Land, go to Options and verify that the Show In Search category is not set to Adult.
For Classifieds: Update your classified description to reflect the PG or Mature theme of the location or service.
- Go to your classifieds through Edit --> Profile --> Classified.
- Update the title and description to remove adult themes.
Thank you,
Linden Lab Customer Support
Your affected listings include:
Parcel: ::City of Laura:: and the Meadowlands Gorean Authentic Charter Member. Roleplay and market, based on the book Captive of Gor by John Norman, as authentic as SL will allow. BtB Slave Submissive Kajira Master Dominant Collar Silks Panther Capture Combat Warrior
So it's official. Classified listings, parcel descriptions and, I suspect, profile “picks” will now officially be filtered to hide “Adult Only-Rated words”.
Please see above, where it explicitly states “Your affected listings include” - read that for me. Read it again, aloud this time. I now ask you, one and all: who in their right mind can point to any reasonable person who can find a single “adult-rated” word in that entire listing?
Is the word “Gorean”? How can that be an adult-rated word? It's the name of a fictional culture based on a science fiction novel for crying out loud. Perhaps the word is “Captive”? All you artiste's better not hold captive audiences, unless you change the rating of your venue for certain.
What I am getting at here is that this listing is not being filtered for what it says. It is not being filtered for the idea it attempts to project (Gorean-themed role-play).
But rather, it filters based on what you think it is saying (which is still nothing.)
The Linden Lab indexing computer is now the thought-police.

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