A Sad Riddance, But Good?
Yes, categorized at Common Sensible as "Socially Mundane".
As Rezzable continues to pull-up their stakes on the Second Life grid for their own little hideout in some dark corner of the Internet, another Second Life staple and awe-striking build falls into pixeldust:
We are closing Black Swan, follow the path, in Second Life as soon as the ticket goes through. Probably next few days/hours, so you might get another chance to see it for a last time if you zap over asap. Otherwise you can visit "Black Swan Revisited" on our OpenSim-based private grid.
[From Goodbye Black Swan | Rezzable]
And my reply to Mr. Rimbaud on his post:
Black Swan, Dinosaurs and Greenies are the Rezzable legacy.
When you whacked the dinos it was impressive and reinforced the foundation that all things on the grid are temporary. When this happened, it also predicted the 'demise' of Black Swan and I have no doubt soon the Greenies.
I am not here to whine or bitch or wag my finger at you or Rezzable proper. But only to say that yes, Black Swan (and Greenies) will be remembered in SL, perhaps as the most amazing of all builds on the grid... for a time. A couple months? Longer? I don;t know. I remember the dinosaurs fondly - but yet ask anyone you can find on the grid about it. Even those that remember it only remember it because they were asked about it. The same will be true about Black Swan and eventually the Greenies ... and Rezzable altogether once you finally pull-up the last stake.
I understand Rezzable's motivation, causes and reasons for doing so. But at the same time, as wonderful as the Rezzable builds are, it is too much 'work' and 'nuisance' to connect to another grid system as it means logging-out, then resetting where the viewer points to and logging-in again for so 'little' content. Only those of us adept with the use of the grid viewers and alternate grids will ever really get to see where you're hiding now.
The day all these grids are able to be interconnected in any meaningful way (Meerkat viewer does make a damned fine attempt at it) is a long-way off.
I wish Rezzable well and good fortune and though it is a sad riddance, it will not be all that profound for very long I hate to say.
And to close: why do I choose the word "riddance" even if placed into a "sad" connotation? Because I am personally sick and tired of people who use drama to "threaten" they are leaving Second Life - and then not (they keep reappearing annoyingly so.) Or, they appear to leave Second Life, but rather just create an alt and live there for awhile.
At least rezzable's word is good with me as they say what they mean and mean what they say. So, yes it's sad. But at the same time, it's still a "riddance" as far as I'm concerned.
art: Rigz the Loser

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