Whining and Crying version 1.23.5 Update Released
I'm telling you this is all pure entertainment at it's best. It's been quite a while since Linden Lab forced an update to the throngs en masse:
Residents using the Official and Release Candidate versions of the 1.23.4 Viewer are required to update to version 1.23.5. Those of you still using version 1.22.11 will be offered version 1.23.5 as an optional update. If you choose to remain on 1.22.11, you may notice changes in the way notecard editing behaves. If you use a viewer not created by Linden Lab, you may also see changes in the way notecard editing behaves.Fortunately, since now the blog requires you to actually login with your Second Life name in order to leave comments, they still tend to be shrill, but no-where near as vitriolic as they used to be. Albeit, it's all the same old story, different day: "how dare you, Linden Lab?". Linden lab provlaims this is in regard to an urgent security issue. They aren't saying what the issue is (wise as it would be exploited quickly) - but it obviously has something to do with the asset servers.
Lets have a smattering peeks, shall we?
ZenWarrior Fousing says: "LL again misses the obvious. Merely releasing a new product isn't the same as selling it. Hasn't LL noticed the increasing proliferation of GreenLife Emerald viewer tags in SL? It might wish to get its marketing department on the ball and give me (and many others) good reason to switch back from Emerald now."
This is true. As the "alternate" (aftermarket) viewers gain traction in features and stability, they are becoming far more popular that the 'Offical' viewer. I do believe Snowglobe is gain huge ground on the official, version as well. Linden Lab has a history of fixing things and breaking other things in the process. The oldest "break" that still bother me is the alpha layering issue. Where two prims that have textures including alpha will not layer properly - the itme behind, appears in front of where it should be. It's irritating as hell.
Ever since the 1.23.x viewer, Linden lab has broken the snapshot-to-disk feature. Set Quiet Snapshots to Disk and High Resolution Snapshots in the "Advanced menu" - then create a snapshop with keyboard (CTRL + ~) - the snapshot os borked. Only the lower left 75% is captured. This bug has also found it's way into all versions of GreenLife Emerald, CollViewer and the rest. Only the Snowglob viewer does not have this bug. /me sighs.
Pavcules Superior says: "I don't know if anyone else has spotted this, but this new viewer has a serious memory leak. Whilst writing this I'm in a sim with 60+ people, and every minute 14MB of memory is being consumed."
Well, Pavcule: it's business as usual. perhaps looking into Snowglobe or Greenlife Emerald will help?
Levy Flanegan says: "LL just needs to get their act together." (at the end of the requiasite bullet list of what LL needs to do to make things "better".
Hey, Levy: how about we jkust fire all the Lindens and put you in there? You know, so you can put your money where your mouth is? As for the rendering issues you describe: problem in your computer and bandwidth, not SL Servers. As for more than 25 groups: why? Are you a group-whore? You say LL needs to "prioritize" - how about you practice what you preach? I could go on and on about this comment all day, but I digress.
Deltango Vale says: "For the first time in three years, I have backed down a version in viewers. I tried 1.23.4 and found it inferior to 1.22.11. I uninstalled 1.23.4 and returned to 1.22.11. I am not even going to try 1.23.5."
Word to the wise. To clarify: Deltango's wise words to the throngs. (Or go to Snowglobe or other aftermarket viewer.)
Lady Diamond Detiny says: "How can you download if it constantly tells you that the download has failed????? I don't get it."
I know it could be a stretch, but if you stop and think on it: new announcement, many, many SL residents reading it along with you, oh sya about 50-million people all trying to download the new viewer at the same time?
Lewis Luminos says: "I've just been inworld, with Emerald, trying a few things with notecards, and no it doesn't change the creator to yourself. In fact as far as I can tell, it does everything just exactly as it did before. Opening, editing, saving, permissions, everything works fine. As far as I can tell, nothing is broken if using a third party viewer (except maybe whatever security loophole has been closed)."
Are there still any questions as to why anyone and everyone who's even heard of and looked at the GreenLife Emerald viewer (and others) are jumping off the Official Viewer faster than a human blink of an eye?
Prokofy Neva says: "Question to the forum: is the Emerald viewer secure? I have heard great things about it, but I'm not a techie, so I'm somewhat reluctant to trust it. If something like Emerald is secure, does it make sense for Linden Lab to produce a viewer at all? Perhaps LL should focus its resources on the server code and let third parties work on the viewer."
The problem with this idea, Prok is simple this: That just makes way too much common sense. Therefore it is not allowed and how dare you utter such blasphemous ideas! But as Prok often is: it's a rhetorical, sarcastic question - even though it just makes too much sense. However, it also means a lot of "services' would have to be moved server-side so that Linden lab can maintain control and it already is well known the server and viewer code is "spaghetti" (a complete tangled mess). /me snickers.
Also, to all of you who whine about how Linden Lab is "ruining" Second Life and feel the incredible urge to throw out the obligatory "It's time go, good-bye SL" I only have this to say: it will be a good riddance. Firstly, who are you to me? I don't know you so why do you think I would care at all? Actually, since it is population that causes issues with the grid, especially rezzing and movement lag in crowded areas, I should think your leaving will actually make the grid a better place.
As for those of you who proclaim the viewer is broken because it constantly crashes, doesn't run properly, won't start-up. is painfully slow, etcetera: look inward first. You most certainly are using Microsoft Windows which is the first issue you must face (no, I am not 'slamming' Windows or users of Windows PCs.) It is well known that Microsoft Windows (all current versions) slowly destroy themselves. When was the last time you completely wiped out your hard disk and reinstalled everything from scratch?
Most software issues you will have, Second Life viewer or not will be Windoes problems, not software application problems. Darren Oates hits the proverbial nail square on the head with a sledge-hammer:
"Just installed this latest viewer and it works fine as expected i never have any problem with these official viewers but do keep my PC in optimal working condition with a bit of good housekeeping and my Pc is no top spec just a clean running machine works for me anyways."
Second Life Blogs: Release Team: Viewer 1.23.5 Update Released
art: Dvoarak Uncensored

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