ZOMG, Linden Lab Sneezed!!!11 And There Was Boogers!
I would expect the more 'vocal' of the better-informed of Second Life residents actually, do freak-out every time Linden Lab "sneezes". The issue comes down to reading too far into what Linden lab says, often via their 'Official Second Life Blog". It is the "better informed" who read that, and this and many other SL-related blogs, so they are "in the know." However, they also tend to be rather highly social, I suspect more-so than the average SL resident. And, in that, have a serious propensity to react emotionally to things first, rather than logically. This also tends to mean they are easily influenced.
Gather a throng of these people (SL-Universe or Shopping Cart Disco, anyone?) and you end-up with a throng that easily can turn into a mob because they constantly influence each other, most of whom are like-minded and so any 'debate' turns into a shrill, vitriolic cry for blood.
Ciaran Laval has written about the return of "Eyecatcher" and "Slapt.me" to the Mature lands of the virtual world, first emigrating into Zindra as was (and still is) though by the majority of "informaed" residents, then realizing they have overthought, or "over-understood" the "Adult-rating" policy.
I say good for them!
And here is the crux of their decision, which is not a change in the Linden lab policy, but rather a clearer understanding of what was always there to begin with:
Fetish clothing, collars, items for use by adults but in reality, this is mature content, use of the content could well be deemed adult but the items themselves are really mature items when being sold.Read the article and it's a good one. I like Ciaran's writing, even though I feel there is often a bit of "panic" in there, but that could simply be writing style. So, I threw-in my obligatory rhetoric in long-form as I usually do (with corrections and formatting here):
I have been saying this all along: people are (were and are still) over-reacting about the whole "adult-rating" policy. It's just like the Bots and Campers policy: it's not "illegal" to have and even use them. What is "illegal" is to use them to "game traffic ranking". The only penalty: removal from all search result listings. As for the adult-rating policy, if you go astray it will only affect your listings (or lack thereof) in search results, unless some bonehead decides to Abuse-Report you, then Linden lab will come and evaluate whether it's a justified AR..
The issue (problem?) is that people always try to read "into" what Linden Lab says, and I am referring to SL Wiki, Knowledge-base and all that stuff - not live chat by Linden Surnames. The situation stems from people who rather than trying to understand what is actually being said at face value, they try to figure-out what Linden Lab is implying. It is better to read word-for-word and take the meaning exactly as stated.
I sell "role play" thrones. In my thrones are many menu options, of those many one is called "intimate" which contains the requisite naughty activity. However, the throne itself is not "adult-rated" because it is not designed explicitly for "adult-rated" activity. It just happens to contain that ability.
My retail point of sale also is in PG-rated land. And it is fully "legal" per the policy on what is allowed on PG-rated regions. if there ever is a question, no worries: I simply disable that portion of the menus on my display models. As for listings in search results, I simply have to be more creative with my descriptions and the same with my parcel.
I salute Eyecatcher and Slapt.me for taking charge of the situation and moving back to the un-walled mainland (or estate - whatever).
It cracks me up to no end how hysterically paranoid people can be every time Linden Lab sneezes. Sure there are times when the outrage is justified (Openspace to Homestead, for example) but most of the time it is wasted stress on the part of the often panic-stricken. Linden Lab, as I have said again and again on this blog, are not tyrants (though some of the Linden surnames can be) and they will not run around just dropping the hammer on everyone's heads all over the grid.
I have seen Ciaran write about (imply) how horrible it is that Linden lab will start crucifying people who don't follow this new Adult-rating policy to the letter and at other times write how horrible it is that Linden Lab not enforce their policy by dropping the hammer (Bots and Camping to game traffic). Obviously I am not claiming Ciaran is a hypocrite or anything even remotely close to that. Bloggers write based on whatever emotional chord has been struck at the time and with passion. I highly doubt Ciaran has even looked at his own posts in the very context I have just described. (I am only useing Ciaran as an example because I am quoting his article, but be clear that I am referring to a huge population of bloggers, no-matter the subject matter.)
And I still use all of this, as it continues, to my benefit with regard to marketing and maintaining business. Business has never been better - no slump. Simply because I paid attention to what Linden Lab is doing, made an effort to understand it, applied some actual common sense and adjusted operations accordingly.
As for Eyecatcher and Slapt.me? Good for you, welcome aboard the wise-boat. Hopefully not too many others will stop and think like you did, else my competition will increase again.
Source: Eyecatcher and slapt.me move back to mature land | Your2ndPlace
art: "Zazzle"; George Grie (via Neo Surrealism Art)

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