PostHeaderIcon November 25, 2008 - How Long Ago Is That?


It's been more than a year since I last posted to this blog. The very last post was simply a link to Common|Sensible - the name of one of my other blogs and I do have quite a few. That was back when I, for some unknown reason, "converted" this blog (Socially Mundane) over to WordPress and trudged-along over there.

That was back on November 25th, 2008, as you might gather from previous entry here.

I have been blogging almost exclusively about all things Second Life since about this time back in 2007. Back then I really hadn't the faintest idea of what the hell I was doing. In these two years I've learned a lot, toned-down my shrill abrasiveness and basically worked on better writing, though I am still far from great at it.

My next task: learn to not be so verbose and detail-by-too-many-words in my writing. Better writing will hopefully allow for better reading. Being pithy is the plan any way.

So here we are, more than a year later at Socially Mundane Dot Com. I've decided to reincarnate this blog. I might as well. Among my many domains, the "" is paid-for through April of 2013. There's no sense in it languishing, right?

So, what will I write here? Mostly Second Life stuff. But I'll sprinkle-in some first-life stuff as well. I've been doing Common|Sensible for a full two years (the "closing" of Socially Mundane was to allow me to focus only on the CS blog.) The main difference from Common Sensible as that here will be more of my own personal experiences on the grid, from perspective.

In other words, here at Socially Mundane, for those of you brave enough to follow along, will get to see a bit more of the "real" me, and not the stoic face I try (albeit unsuccessfully I imagine) over at Common Sensible.

So with that, Socially|Mundane is heareby officially resurrected.

Mort et Résurrection by Jocky 2000.
Welcome to my mundane world.

Blackthorne™ ≠ inSL

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