PostHeaderIcon Good Thing About Virtual Feet: They Don't Stink.

Calling all virtual feet.

I don't usually like to advertise anything here at all. In fact, as you peruse Common.Sensible, you won't find any advertising at all, (though I really should change that. I, like everyone else, could use the money.)

However, there is an inaugural benefit for the ASPCA coming up. And event most of you ladies will want to know about. Some of you guys, too. I am close to this event in that I had the opportunity to participate, even if microscopically, with the build. So I at least feel close to it and the build is wonderful.

This is a Rezzable (Home of the Greenies, Black Swan and many others) presentation and done for fund-raising. The details are here:

The inaugural SL Footwear Expo is specifically designed to showcase the many amazing shoe designers around the Second Life grid and to raise money for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).

The event will run from July 12th through July 27th, 2008.

65 Shoe designers from across the grid will be showcasing their creations, including new items being introduced and helping to sponsor and support the benefit. In addition there will be a fashion show, musical entertainment, a photography contest and exhibit, a huge raffle, and a massive blow-out party at the end of the Expo.

Dates to Know:

6/23 Flickr contest open for submissions (for info visit site)

7/12 9:00am

Expo opens to the public

7/19 12:00pm

Fashion Showcase featuring Metro Models and Hathor Models

7/27 3-5:00pm

Grand Finale Party

7/27 9:00pm
Fair Closes

(all times in SLT)

So. There you go.

Good thing feet don't stink in SL. >:)
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