PostHeaderIcon Second Life: Torley Tules

Torley sez:
"And since I’m Resident Enlightenment Manager, guess who’s job it is to spread the word, so that you’re Enlightened and aware of this awesomeness?" 

Okay, I don't care. Still going to refer to him as our wantermelonie, fun-loving, I-want-what-you're-smokin'-funguy. And, he's popped-up a new blog entry that is not related to tutorials, but rather some highly-useful, kick@$$ tools to help you deal with Second Life in a lot more funner way.

Absolutely awesome tools that you might want to take a gander at, even if you're an SL oldbie: A great Second Life cheat-sheet. You know, one of those reference sheets that provides a quick reference to keyboard shortcuts like you see that come with high-end, over-priced software like Adobe Photoshop.

Also, some highly useful Avatar UV Mapping information, for all you clothing and skin creators out there. A very nice learn-it-as-easily-as-possible resource.

And, for all you fanatics, a way to pop videos onto your parcel of land, though Torley had covered this in a video tutorial a while ago. It's great little refresher.

So, pop over to the SL blog (link above) and take a look at the entry. These are definite bookmark destinations.
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