Linden Lab Working To Beef Up Second Life
Well, I guess it's official. Havok 4, HTML-on-a-prim and official "Sleek" clients on the way, along with some very interesting voice options, such as phone RL phone numbers and voice mail. Though, I'm more interested in the text-to-speech-to-text idea myself.
Mitch strikes again with that cool, insightful (inside?) knowledge he usually has when he unloads about SL in his columns.
Thanks, dood!
Mitch strikes again with that cool, insightful (inside?) knowledge he usually has when he unloads about SL in his columns.
Thanks, dood!
Linden Lab Working To Beef Up Second Life Stability, Usability -- Second Life -- InformationWeek
The company is rolling out upgrades to Second Life's s physics engine, developing a Web browser that will work in-world, and putting the finishing touches on a lightweight client for text and voice chat.

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