PostHeaderIcon "The shine comes off social networking"

Ummm... duh.

Wow, all these news agencies are only now starting to catch-up to what we've all known for the last six months. Still, a fascinating article from the SL newspaper 'Telegraph' in the U.K.
The shine comes off social networking - Telegraph
despite this, Second Life seems to be losing some of its lustre. According to, a web monitoring site, the "reach" of Second Life - the number of global users that visit the site - has been in steady decline over the past year. A particularly sharp drop occurred shortly after Linden Labs, the company behind Second Life, banned gambling in the virtual world last July. More worrying than that, the number of paid-for accounts in Second Life fell in the wake of the gambling ban, with 5,810 premium accounts going unrenewed between July and August. Premium account holders pay Linden Labs a membership fee and a weekly stipend and land ownership privileges in the virtual universe.
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