Woohoo - T.V. Special about the hazards of SL
Yes, Second Life can really screw with your First Life.
Watch out or you'll find yourself in faerie-tale land where everything is dream-perfect, until you open your Real Life eyes. I don't live in the U.K. - but this is a television programme I'd sure like to see. Take a peek at the excerpt here (it's funny,in a tragic sort of way...)
Watch out or you'll find yourself in faerie-tale land where everything is dream-perfect, until you open your Real Life eyes. I don't live in the U.K. - but this is a television programme I'd sure like to see. Take a peek at the excerpt here (it's funny,in a tragic sort of way...)
The Land Of Make Believe - The Daily Record
Carolyn fell "virtually"in love with the Avatar of a man living 5000 miles away in the UK. Now, she is planning a visit to meet him because she wants to find out if she is as in love in the real world as she is in the virtual world.All this sounds perfectly reasonable to Carolyn, but less so to her husband, Lee...

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