It's a Griefer's World
Griefers in SL have been around a long time. I remember when they first started appearing. In face, the worst griefers before these organized groups appeared there othat people simply bumping into you and intentionally pushing you around.
So, unlike the SL Herald tabloid blog, Wired magazine (usually just another useless tabloid, I feel) actually has an interesting article based on the last large, organized attack of the Patriotic Nigras. I found it to actually be an interesting read. I've linked it, just in case you might agree.
So, unlike the SL Herald tabloid blog, Wired magazine (usually just another useless tabloid, I feel) actually has an interesting article based on the last large, organized attack of the Patriotic Nigras. I found it to actually be an interesting read. I've linked it, just in case you might agree.
Mutilated Furries, Flying Phalluses: Put the Blame on Griefers,
"We do it for the lulz," ^ban^ says — for laughs. Asked how some people can find their greatest amusement in pissing off others, ^ban^ gives the question a moment's thought: "Most of us," he says finally, with a wry chuckle, "are psychotic."Source

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