PostHeaderIcon A Common Sensible Move?

SunsetI have been a bad writer, writing a bad blog for almost a year now.

I remember researching the blog services and I am fully feature-knowledgable about WordPress software,, Blogger, TypePad, LifeJournal, and a truckload of others.

This blog: Common Sensible is currently hosted on

I also maintain and host my own copies of WordPress blogging software for the company I work for. It can be some real maintenance. Constant updates to plug-ins and the WordPress software itself, but the features are second to none.

I don't go with TypePad or LiveJournal or any of the pay sites because I wouldn't even dare hope to try to make any money at this. How many ads would generate revenue when I have only five readers?

Anyway, the one single thing I hate about is the inability to fully customize the look of my blog. I do it for my own entertainment, hence the option to go wit a free-hosted service.

Even if O pay the $15 a year to have access to the CSS file - to change most of the look, I don't have access to the XHTML file. And that's what bothers me.

I'm a tinkerer. I like to break things and then fix them again.

So, between my two active (yes, I have dozens) blogs, I find I enjoy playing with Socially Mundane more. After a few months of looking at it all, I've come to realize a few things: it's easier for me to go hog-wild on the look. I already have other Google accounts - mail, Google Apps and so on.

It's just easier.

For me.

Blogger is way better than WordPress, but WordPress is way better than Blogger. They all are awesome. I just need to go with the one that is the mostest awesomenest for me. And I want a cleaner, classier, easier-to-read look, too.

I would say it has moxie and style, but four of my five readers will likely just call it "foo-foo-fluffy".

So, I have been slowly reposting everything from here at Common Sensible on WordPress to the new Common Sensible on Blogger. On Wednesday night, I am repointing my domain over to the blogger version.

This version will remain. and if you ever want to re-lookup some old comment someone has made, the WordPress address will be active:

So, as I continue to repost old stories to the new Blogger version, I will intentionally repost one story as new - though it will clearly state it is a year-old story.

That story is called "If you get to know me, then you'll know me."

It's probably among the few stories where I think I actually did good. I certainly am not a professional writer and I can get pretty darned passionate about things. Though I always try to apply common sense into my perspective, hence this blog title. But I really am proud of that one. Probably because it hits close to home.

So, if you are reading this blog via newsfeeds (RSS) - you will want to pop-over to the new location on or after Thursday and re-subscribe. Well, I suspect that will be needed as I am not sure if that feed will break or not (I use FeedBurner). Of course the official address will still be

So, hopefully my writing will get better and more interesting the second year in.
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