A Common Sensible Move?
I remember researching the blog services and I am fully feature-knowledgable about WordPress software, WordPress.com, Blogger, TypePad, LifeJournal, and a truckload of others.
This blog: Common Sensible is currently hosted on WordPress.com.
I also maintain and host my own copies of WordPress blogging software for the company I work for. It can be some real maintenance. Constant updates to plug-ins and the WordPress software itself, but the features are second to none.
I don't go with TypePad or LiveJournal or any of the pay sites because I wouldn't even dare hope to try to make any money at this. How many ads would generate revenue when I have only five readers?
Anyway, the one single thing I hate about WordPress.com is the inability to fully customize the look of my blog. I do it for my own entertainment, hence the option to go wit a free-hosted service.
Even if O pay the $15 a year to have access to the CSS file - to change most of the look, I don't have access to the XHTML file. And that's what bothers me.
I'm a tinkerer. I like to break things and then fix them again.
So, between my two active (yes, I have dozens) blogs, I find I enjoy playing with Socially Mundane more. After a few months of looking at it all, I've come to realize a few things: it's easier for me to go hog-wild on the look. I already have other Google accounts - mail, Google Apps and so on.
It's just easier.
For me.
Blogger is way better than WordPress, but WordPress is way better than Blogger. They all are awesome. I just need to go with the one that is the mostest awesomenest for me. And I want a cleaner, classier, easier-to-read look, too.
I would say it has moxie and style, but four of my five readers will likely just call it "foo-foo-fluffy".
So, I have been slowly reposting everything from here at Common Sensible on WordPress to the new Common Sensible on Blogger. On Wednesday night, I am repointing my domain over to the blogger version.
This version will remain. and if you ever want to re-lookup some old comment someone has made, the WordPress address will be active: http://commonsensible.wordpress.com.
So, as I continue to repost old stories to the new Blogger version, I will intentionally repost one story as new - though it will clearly state it is a year-old story.
That story is called "If you get to know me, then you'll know me."
It's probably among the few stories where I think I actually did good. I certainly am not a professional writer and I can get pretty darned passionate about things. Though I always try to apply common sense into my perspective, hence this blog title. But I really am proud of that one. Probably because it hits close to home.
So, if you are reading this blog via newsfeeds (RSS) - you will want to pop-over to the new location on or after Thursday and re-subscribe. Well, I suspect that will be needed as I am not sure if that feed will break or not (I use FeedBurner). Of course the official address will still be http://commonsensible.net.
So, hopefully my writing will get better and more interesting the second year in.

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