SLOGS: Mix & Match and Match & Mix
So today is the big day where guest bloggers from all over the Slogosphere [SL Blog community for those on my intellect level] have written articles to be posted on other Slogs based on subjects invented by yet other Sloggers.
It's called the Blogger Mix & Match.
So I decided to enter both my blogs: Common Sensible and this one, Socially Mundane. In return, I was assigned two subjects, and the blogs to submit them to.
The first subject was "Why Lindens who face the public get a bad wrap" - which was a fluke because I came up with that subject, it was supposed to be given to another blogger. But that's okay. That article can be found at Metaversally Speaking, here. The second subject I ended-up with was a bit different, as I don't particularly write about myself is this manner. But the subject was (paraphrased) - "How has your focus in Second Life changed from your 'noobish' days to now"
That was a bit different for me in terms of writing style and I do tend to be verbose. That subject was created by Zoe Connolly and is posted at Second Stindberg, here.
In return, A nice blurb about Bryn Oh, written by BOTGIRL is posted over at Common Sensible, here.
Okay, so here at Socially Mundane was supposed to be an article by guest writer Tiyuk Quellmalz on "Correlation of drama in SL and a very small number of brain cells" - which I think is an awesome subject and I certainly would have enjoyed reading that. Unfortunately, all attempts to contact Tiyuk have gone unanswered.
I suspect it's because I have only five readers and Tiyuk mtook one peek here and ran away screaming. But that's okay. (In really, it is likely that real life interfered or the contact information I received was just...bad.)
So, in place of that, I am plopping this little blurb so you can see the two articles I have written and the nice blurb by BOTGIRL over at CS.
As for that article on drama vs. brain cells... I might have to look at that myself and... well... you know how off-the-wall I can be. Might be an interesting write-up, but I fear scaring away the remaining five readers I (might) still have.
OH! And the other subject I dreamt-up is "Why is fashionista drama both a good and bad thing?" And that one is written by Ann O'Toole (I love to hate to love her to death!) over at What the Fug [BUT - WTF didn't publish Ann's story, SO, I'll point you to Ann's blog, here ] - a great blog I do follow!
So the purpose of this thing is two-fold: fun for bloggers to expand their horizons and for they and you to see, visit and discover other blogs.

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