PostHeaderIcon Second Life: Virtual World for Losers

MrBeanBabyWell, that's the case according to The Scotsman's "Scotland on Sunday" newspaper. And these so-called fourth estate print media wonder why they are losing readership and subscribers and advertisers?

Unlike the bonehead who'd never heard of the 'virtual world for losers', I have, in fact heard of Scotland, the real life country for losers. Yes, the whole country. And everyone in it, living there or not are all losers.

"Pug-ugly" losers as well.

Every last one of you. And you talk and dress funny, too. And some of that nasty,disgusting food you eat? Oh wow, don't let me go there at all.

I mean, even though I have never been to Scotland, or really read-up on Scotland history, but c'mon! I saw "Braveheart" and I know who Sean Connery is. And I've seen pictures of that foggy, cold, nasty, freaky perpetually gloomy weather there.

So, all you Scots: you really need to leave Scotland and get a real life. Scotland is only for ignorant, pug-ugly, losers. I know so because that's the first impression I get all based on your writers there. After all, they are the experts in things just because they write for a dying newspaper, right?
Teresa Hunter: Labour's promised tax cuts only exist in a virtual world - Scotland on Sunday: "But now all their covers are blown, largely because one pug-ugly couple took the whole thing too far and got married, and then took it further still and got divorced. She said he was unfaithful to her, again on Second Life. Leopards, spots, change…

"I'd never heard of this virtual world for sad losers before reading the story. As someone who has difficulty holding one life together, the thought of a second one has little appeal. "

OH! And I guess this article is actually about something else. But after I reached the above paragraphs, I decided this idiot wasn't worth wasting any part of the time I have left on earth reading it.

[Oh, and in case you really are a 'loser' and can't figure it out: my diatribe here is intended with sarcasm.]

courtesy of Scotland on Sunday
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