PostHeaderIcon Introducing T Linden(aka 004 of MI6) in "Linden of Solace"

Sim-HoppingSo another blog entry on the Official Second Life blog introduces "T" Linden. As you may have gathered by now the single initial 'Linden" is the new fad akin of the first-name-only fad of the '80s and '90s you absolutely love to hate, like Madonna, Rosanne, Oprah.

Okay, so hating Oprah isn't really hating Oprah, it's more like hating the influence she has on wacked-out women all over the place. ~/sarcasm~

That is all beside the point. The point is, T Linden, why are you introducing yourself to us now? It's like you want all readers of the Second Life blog to be hiring you or something with you putting your impressive resume out there.

Oh, and T, for the record: I love Macromedia product. I hate Adobe products because Adobe is trying to do what Microsoft does - over-bloat good applications with so many useless or rarely used feaures that they are vastly piggish and more sluggish than they need to be. Which is why I will use Macromedia Dreamweaver and Fireworks until they just stop working. I refuse to upgrade to the Adobe Bloatware versions.

~ /me now wonders if this resume being put out there on the SL blog is really a sneaky heads-up from the top-shop and "M" that Second Life viewer will start to go the way of Adobe applications: to shit? ~

But this brings me back to your impressive resume being posted on the Second Life blog.

It's very simple, of course! The reason for your posting... it doesn't affect Second Life users in any meaningful way to know all these things. Sure, it might make some excited, but the Bondage Ranch in-world does that all by itself. No, there is a better, more useful reason for it.

It's intended for all the news media, (who can never get anything about Second Life right, except for Mitch Wagner of Information Week,) who need something they think is interesting to publish about Second Life and Linden Lab. I mean... the blog works even better than an official press release, because it makes those so-called journalists feel like they are making a 'scoop'!


Anyway, Welcome "T". Hopefully the acid-spitters won't throw their vitriol at you because the asset server is wonky right now. Because you posted on the SL blog, that means it's your fault you know.

Introducing T Linden (aka Tom Hale) « Official Second Life Blog: "From a software genetics point of view, I come from the graphics and multimedia space and spent most of my career at Macromedia, and later at Adobe.

I started in image editing, did a stint in 3D (remember Extreme3D? No? You are not alone), worked on web tools like Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Flash, helped to make Flash a platform for applications, voice and video, then built a collaboration and training application, called Breeze, on that platform. Along the way I learned a lot about how to involve communities in the development of the software they use."

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