Adult-rated Continent: Epiphany
We've learned how to get around the no-entry lines: just fly above them. About 50-meters above the virtual dirt should do it and away you go. However, if you find you are banned from entering a private island... there is no other way, unless there is another attached island right next door and you are not banned from that.
You simply cannot teleport into a locked region (whether it's a mass lock or that you are on the specific ban list.)
The problem with adult content on on a parcel in the middle of a region that is built with 80% 'PG' creations is, anyone can easily review the 'adult' stuff. Even if you are banned from the parcel containing the adult stuff, you can walk right-up to the border, then 'cam' around. Even if you don't know how to turn off camera constraints, chances are you'll be able to see a majority of what's in there.
But a private island that denies you access is completely blocked-off. There is no way in hell that you're getting in there - other than via an alt account.
So, move all the 'adult' content over to an 'adult' continent on the grid. The entire rest of the grid must be "less-than-adult-rated' in nature. Open the grid to anyone and everyone from 3-years-old (according to some really stupid Microsoft TV commercials I've seen) to a 150-year-old who can drive a computer mouse.
Ban all of them from the "adult continent". Force them to ...verify... something. Age, Address, Gender, whatever. Rather than a "ban" list preventing people from accessing the 'adult continent' - create an 'access list' that allows people to access the continent.
Once 'verified' by whatever requisite criteria is accomplished, your account is now 'flagged' and that flag matches the access requirement - you can now teleport into the adult continent. If the entire continent is considered "adult-rated" and thus, the entire continent requires you be on the access list to get in...
It uses technology and paradigms already in-place. It's just a matter of tweaking and developing this 'verifiable/validatable criteria'.
So why are all the current work on viewers and features placed on the back-burner while this 'feature' code is placed into the just-short-of-show-stopper pile and moved to the top-priority burner?
And a question was asked by CeNedra Rivera at her blog:
"How are they going to monitor people's profiles?"
That's actually quite simple. They've already done it - back in 2007 during the whole "ageplay" fiasco and they quickly cleaned-up all the classified ads and profiles. As for imagery, anyone can report you. An abuse report for an "inappropriate" profiles image is always looked into, the same way as an abuse report accusing you of being underage. They always err on the safe side (that would be safe side for LL - as in CYA.)
To all you teens on the adult grid: sorry to break the news, but your pre-teen siblings sneaking onto the teen grid are going to be nagging you here, too.
Oh... and as they add the 'adult-rated-management' code, the "Group Proposal" - a.k.a. 'group voting' code is being liposuctioned out as well.

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- Adult-rated Continent: Epiphany