NWN Silly Question: ...Vagabonds Banned to Adult Continent?
It's just a fact of Second Life: that or get some kind of security system that boots everyone out when you aren't there. The reason I'm quoting from this article Hamlet posted is a single sentence which goes to vindicate, verify, validate everything I ever been saying since I first read the Second Life Community Standards way the hell back in 2006:
What Should SL Landowners Do About Sexual Vagabonds?:
"Since the land is always there, who knows what's going on in the place you're paying for, when you're not logged in? It's also another reason why I think the Lindens' plans to segregate sexual content to an 'Adult Continent' will be extremely difficult to put in practice. The reason for doing so, the Lindens say, is to prevent Residents from encountering pornographic content they did not choose to see. At the same time, their lawyer says that this ban will not apply to sexual activity which happens on property out of public view on the main continent."
The emphasis is mine to highlight what I have been trying to explain to people for three long years: buy PG-rated mainland.
It's cheaper, usually surrounded by "homes" and "getaway" spots, rarely very much business-oriented kinds of things. Certainly not in a heavy sense.
More importantly, even though PG land on the mainland can still be strewn with litter like a garbage dump from about 300 meters on up, the builds on the ground are usually quite tolerable, and relativiely low-lag when compared to "Mature-rated" regions in the same class of parcel.
The sneaky little secret of parcels on the mainland is and always has been: you can do any damned thing you want on the mainland in PG-rated parcels that you can do ion mature-rated land. All you have to do is ensure it is not hanging out in "public view".
Once you make it so someone has to actively enter your establishment to see what's in there, you are technically and officially covered by the "Community Standards" and the "Terms of Service" both.

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