Linden Lab is a Fraud
It's just funny how another 'journalist' just plain gets it totally wrong and doesn't do any research whatsoever. Take a peek at the opening salvo:
Writing center adds Second Life for online tutoring for students - News:This is why I never give quotes or sound-bites to news journalists, as they invariably tend to completely muck things up. I have many ongoing arguments with those whom I'll call 'idiots' in a forum I frequent; where book quotes from 26 tomes are often thrown about for validation and vindication of knowledge of fictional fact.
"Director Frances Crawford said Second Life, the online tutoring social network, is another advantage offered to students and faculty and the latest addition to the writing center.
Second Life targets online students and those with a tight schedule; it is identical to face-to-face tutoring because of its abilities.
Adding to the assistance of the new writing center, such as help with essays, grammar, sentence structure and MLA, Second Life is a social network controlled by tutors from writing centers worldwide and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Crawford said all students need to download the program at, which stands for education server management group in Second Life."
However, even when you're right your wrong. You're wrong because the ones accusing you of being wrong are the simple minded who never learnt to actually comprehend what it is they are reading.
Case in point being the very news article which I am referring to here. Those simple-simons I frequently end-up in row with would read the above and laugh at the sheer stupidity and ignorance of the entire article.
However, after reading the article (and even if you only read the above quote) I was able to actually comprehend the true story of what is being said, even though the writing clearly demonstrates the author completely misunderstood what they were being told.
I know, "April's Fool", right?
I checked:
Issue date: 3/27/09 Section: News
Originally published: 3/26/09 at 9:48 AM CST
Last update: 3/26/09 at 6:10 PM CST
Actual story: "Writing Centers" from around the world may (or should) add the online virtual world of Second Life to their arsenal of tutoring tools, which will create more convenience for both tutor and student whose time schedules are very tight and be highly effective because of the virtual world nature of the environment.
The group doing this has created an organization they are calling "Educational Support Management Group in Second Life" - which is an organized group within the virtual world of Second Life created for the purpose of helping to facilitate these writing centers and tutors in the use of Second Life as a tool to their intended ends.
Sheesh... and I constantly blast myself for not being a very good writer. Go figure.

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