More on "Adult-Rated" Code...
Having a "mature" continent will basically prevent anyone who is not "verified" (or vetted as an adult in some way) from entering at all. The new code also adds a a few things I didn't think of, for example, when logging-in, if the intended region is not available, and you are "verified" - you should be routed to "mature" infohubs.
This does two things: first, it makes room for the 'non-verified' people to log-in and land at a "PG" rated info hub - but also, prevent them from seeing you in your glorious nakedness with BDSM gear wrapped all over you when you finally rez in-world.
Also, when shopping for land, if you aren't verified, Mature parcels for sale will not appear in the map (the bright yellow marks) or in the land for sale and so on.
Here's the list with my comments and assumptions (and all my comments are assumptions - based on what I'm seeing - I could be way off to the left on this):
- on 2009 April 1
- pre-1.23 viewers, residents with verified adult status should be redirected by default to Mature infohubs on login if their login location isn't available (meaning that viewer with the new code that knows whether you are verified will likely not be a mandatory update - but anything less will have 'limited' or 'disabled' features.)
- Make sure access preferences get set properly when near the edge of a region (When you get close to the edge of a region, the system will already be checking to see if you are 'verified' and know by the time you reach that border, so there shouldn't be any way to "hack" your way into a mature region - even in extremely laggy situations.)
- Fix "Kick User from Estate" (Finally! Kicking a use from an estate only bounced them in a corner somewhere. Hopefully this will actually remove them completely - anyone want to come to my sim so I can test-ban you?)
- Fix duplicate notifications when adding or removing a user from the estate manager list (Minor annoyance fixed - super minor actually as it is pretty rare to add or remove people from that list.)
- Make sure pre-1.23 viewers can see adult regions on the map, but don't see adult land for sale on the map (As stated - un-verified can see the whole map, but for-sale markers will not show the mature land as for-sale. I suspect "property owners" will be set this way, too (orange borders mean land owned, but for sale))
- Make sure the parcel information is present in the "place information" floater (e.g. what you get when you click on a SLURL) (/me dunno)
- Enable use of adult-only words in all classifieds during the transition period. (I replied to a question posted by CeNedra Rivera on her blog about how will profiles be policed-up. I mentioned how Linden Lab did a mass-wipe of classified that were "adult-rated" in words or "gambling-related" in words and so on - this all happened at the time of Casino-gate and Ageplay-gate back in '07. It looks like with the new "verified" control, they will be allowing this kind of language back in. But enabling it during the transition will allow them to beta-test and have the 'blocking' ability be vetted.)
- SVC-4039[c] Fix so that ground textures and heightfields are preserved when the sim restarts (Holy crapola - ahow about when the entire region ground altitude jumps by 3 meters when editing terrain? What a joy to fix that.)
- Remove "kittens" as an AO word (used during testing) (Okay, I wanna know. I wanna know!)
- Some more crash fixes, and internal stats gathering fixes (Gotcha.)
Via Second Life Wiki - Server Updates Log

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