PostHeaderIcon Virtual rape is not really rape?

When are the lines bewteen imagination and reality blurred?

A fascinating article from

explores this idea. It's actually a fascinating read about a couple of current theatrical picture shows about this very idea. In fact, the article makes the comparison between a raunchy, noughty flick and a Disney one - and mentions Sl in the process.
"For when fact gets this close to fiction or fiction to fact, how do you draw the line?

"Take, for instance, some of the shenanigans in Second Life, an Internet-based virtual world, launched in 2003, where users (or "Residents") can interact with one another through their avatars.

"Legal experts are now cracking their heads over whether an avatar raping another constitutes an actual crime. Belgian police have, in fact, opened a case file on one such complaint.

" Even journalists are occasionally tempted to play fast and loose with the facts. "
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