PostHeaderIcon The Year in Poker: Poker News

So it seems the gambling fiasco of Second Life is still making news. It turns out that the magazine "Poker News" has created a short list of the most significant 'poker news events' of 2007. Second Life, run by "New Jersey-based Linden Labs" (rather than San Francisco-based Linen Lab) made the list.


The Year in Poker: April, 2007 | Poker News
Online Second Life Universe in Online-Gambling Difficulties — New Jersey-based Linden Labs had created an Internet sensation with its Second Life online universe, where millions of member players enjoyed virtual existences paid for with very real money. Trouble arose when the U.S. government caught wind that virtual casinos were part of the Second Life universe, and while the Linden Dollars used were also virtual, they could be exchanged elsewhere for very real dollars. Over the next three months, Linden Labs excised all gambling from the Second Life online world, leaving it as a somewhat sanitized emulation of real life, at that.
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