PostHeaderIcon Welcome. Now Fasten Your Seat-belt.

This blog was started in mid 2007.

Then it was moved from Blogger over to WordPress and now it's being moved back. Don't ask. It's a behind-the-scenes things and how the back-end of these blogs work. Either way; the back-up function broke somewhere, so I will copy a few choice posts from my other blog (Common|Sensible) and plop theme here to simply fill things out until I get this one started and fired-up again.

Primarily focusing on Second Life and the wacky, wonky, wonderful things Linden Lab and the residents do. All of it, the good, the bad and the ugly. Chances are I'll offend you sooner or later. Tough shit. Deal with it, because here, I only speak truth.

So, I'll rave where it's due but I'll rant like hell, too.

As a quick reference, I usually classify everything into one of five categories relating the subject matter, and the specific context of the situation and its "social acceptability" level. So, based on this, a particular subject and specific instance I write about will be considered:

  • Socially Awesome
  • Socially Promising
  • Socially Mundane
  • Socially Disgraceful
  • Socially Fucked-up

Coming here, you already were warned this is an 'adult-rated' blog. So, if you don't like the language and imagery you might find here, tough shit. Pack-up and move-on. If you are such a pussy as this, you can pop-over to my other blog where similar (if not the same) subject matter is posted, but in a softer format for pussies such as yourself. Still every bit as politically incorrect wherever possible, though.

So fasten your seat-belt and welcome aboard.

Should be a fun ride.
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