PostHeaderIcon Real Life Phoenix in Second Life

How cool is this? The United States' National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,) Mars Phoenix Lander is in Second Life.
So what - why run off and peek as a prim-based Rover win? because it sports artificial intelligence.

This is to say, you can speak to it, ask questions and it will answer intelligently. Supposedly, anyway.

I haven't gone to look at it myself. But it looks fascinating enough I want to.

The prim-twin is linked to a massive NASA 'knowledge base' database and with artificial intelligence should be able to answer practically any question you ask. For example:

What is your purpose?
[16:21] Phoenix: I'll be using instruments to probe the northern polar site's soil and ice and I'm here with three main objectives: to study the history of water on Mars, to determine if the Martian arctic soil could support life, and to study the Martian weather.

Yes, the cool-factor is pretty high on this one the way I see it.
You can pop-over (that is, in Second Life to 'teleport') here.
"NASA is trying all manner of Web 2.0 software to promote its science to the tech-savvy crowd. Months ago, the media director at the space agency's Jet Propulsion Lab began sending out Twitter messages, or 140-character digital notes, about the Phoenix Lander mission to Mars. Now, NASA has created a so-called cybertwin for the Phoenix rover in the virtual world Second Life."
NASA spawns smart twin in 'Second Life'

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