PostHeaderIcon If You Don’t Look Good, You're a Newbie. or... or... Wait a Second

Video thumbnail. Click to play The new newbie look isn't so newbie or even that new.

However, Katt Linden have made to official announcement that the new commissioned avatar looks are now available to everyone. well, they have been for a while now, actually. But most in Second Life simply didn't know about it.

And in case you haven't gone exploring that "Library" folder in your inventory, now is definitely a good time if you want a quick-change into a fresh look. And not too bad of one at that. For the details, check out Katt's posting on the official Second Life blog:
"And, as a special bonus for all Residents, we’ve included 4 extra avatars that are only available inworld, in your avatar’s Library folder."

EDIT: If you have been playing with these new looks before this announcement, you may have caught a few glitches that were present. Katt reports that these glitches have since been corrected, so the versions in your Library folder have been refreshed and you'll want to revisit them! Do this, because when you use anything from the Library folder in inventory - it is copied to your main inventory and that is what you are using.

Thank you for clarifying, Katt!  :)

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