PostHeaderIcon Real Life Job Seekers: Apply in Second Life

Aviva logo Aviva USA, and insurance company, is recruiting agents online. Not normally considered unsual. However, they have a private simulator (known as a private island, or better as a "region" or "estate") in virtual world Second Life, where you can learn more about the compnay and it's products and services, I'm sure.

However, you also can apply for a job there, too.

This isn't a first. There have been many real life job fairs held within Second Life. But this makes real sense: insurances (and many other) agents are spread through the states, even the world. So Second Life makes for a great, convenient, inexpensive way to meet and greet and all that schtufff.
Aviva USA Uses Second Life Island to Recruit Agents | Innovation
The company he runs has invited current and prospective agents to visit Aviva USA’s private island in Second Life, a 3D virtual world on the Web. Aviva is the first life insurer to develop an island in Second Life for agent recruitment, education, and training. The insurer is evaluating how it might use its presence in this virtual world to benefit its customers and employees.
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