L$ Drain in Second Life?
Then - after a day or two, I realize it's some group I'm a member of that places itself into search. Most groups place themselves into search and that is a "sink" (a way to siphon Linden Dollars out of the economy to help keep balance.) It costs the group owners L$30 (If I remember correctly - I'm not in-world right now) per week to keep that group listed in search.
However, when the group is created and "roles" made, there is a setting in the roles abilities and permissions to have people in those roles participate in "group liabilities and dividends".
Now, if it's just some update group for the mall where you keep a booth - you shouldn't be contributing to this cost. Contact the group owners to fix this immediately. That's just plain uncouth. The same for any other groups you are a member of. Check it to see what kind of group it is. And decide whether or not it is reasonable to have you contributing to the group liabilities.
Dividends are give if the group makes any money - pretty rare, actually. The most common dividend is when the group owns land, and the group sells the land. However, the group owner is usually the original land owner and will sell back to themselves for L$1 so they can recoup their original investment, as it should be.
I could go and explain how to go about checking your groups, but why?
Out favorite happy-go-lucky-super-charismatic-fun-guy Torley has created a new tutorial that shows you! So, if you haven't taken my word to date about how awesome these tutorials are - even if you already think you know the subject matter in adept fashion, this is one you really need to watch.
Torley the fun guy:
"Today, I have the honor and privilege of explaining why it’s important to check your groups to see if you’re being charged small amounts of L$ each week for listing group-owned parcels in Search. Wow, what a mouthful of a sentence. It’s easier if I just show you"

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