Getting Started is Half the Battle
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="360" caption="Top-Secret Torley Picture"]
We all know this. All those to-do things that need to get done. Whether it is a pet project, a mundane task or even a dreaded chore.
Getting started is the hardest part of the task.
Though once we get things going, we end-up 'on a roll' and it gets done. The same is true when it comes to learning. Anything.
The first task is to jump-in and get started.
This is can be a difficult duty as time is crunched for most of us. Life (both First and Second) simply moves too fast. It's a matter of taking the time to crack-open the book, or wiki web page or notecard for that matter and take the time to read. Then there is the issue of comprehension. The understanding of what it is your eyes are taking in and brain processing. It works best in a library environment: dark, (with a lamp,) and quiet in comfortable ambient temperature.
Though this is ideal, it is highly elusive. many will have the music blaring or television going while we spend our time on-line, and if in world in Second Life, there are all the other demands on our attention that I don't need to go into here. The point is, to get started with anything, we need to set priorities and focus.
Our favorite watermelonie 'whatever you're smokin', I want-some' Torley Linden has been helping us kick-start our learning for a long time.
The resource is there to help you springboard into knowledge about all things Second Life. All you need do is take the time to watch them. Thirty-minutes a pop, tops. and many newer two-minute shorts.
And, in watching them, you will have taken that first huge step of 'getting started'. And, when you see how quick and easy it is to accomplish many things from simply using the Second Life viewer all the way to building and texturing complex 'products', you'll see that getting started was all you needed. Your creativity with flow like a sleuce opened in a flood of ideas and projects.
And now, what many fear the most about creation in Second Life: scripting with Linden Scripting Language, the kick-start you need is finally available! Toerley is a huge resource for all residents when it comes to making your Second Life not only interesting and enjoyable (most of the time) but also productive for you and possibly profitable.
Now, the newest TorleyTute gets you started in the most complex of all things Second Life: scripting! So take advantage of Torley's Tutes. They are a massive resource to get you started and your creative juices flowing.
They say opportunity only knocks once. Well, thanks to Toerley's Tutes, and this one in-particular, it's still knocking. So when will you open the door and say hello?
We all know this. All those to-do things that need to get done. Whether it is a pet project, a mundane task or even a dreaded chore.
Getting started is the hardest part of the task.
Though once we get things going, we end-up 'on a roll' and it gets done. The same is true when it comes to learning. Anything.
The first task is to jump-in and get started.
This is can be a difficult duty as time is crunched for most of us. Life (both First and Second) simply moves too fast. It's a matter of taking the time to crack-open the book, or wiki web page or notecard for that matter and take the time to read. Then there is the issue of comprehension. The understanding of what it is your eyes are taking in and brain processing. It works best in a library environment: dark, (with a lamp,) and quiet in comfortable ambient temperature.
Though this is ideal, it is highly elusive. many will have the music blaring or television going while we spend our time on-line, and if in world in Second Life, there are all the other demands on our attention that I don't need to go into here. The point is, to get started with anything, we need to set priorities and focus.
Our favorite watermelonie 'whatever you're smokin', I want-some' Torley Linden has been helping us kick-start our learning for a long time.
The resource is there to help you springboard into knowledge about all things Second Life. All you need do is take the time to watch them. Thirty-minutes a pop, tops. and many newer two-minute shorts.
And, in watching them, you will have taken that first huge step of 'getting started'. And, when you see how quick and easy it is to accomplish many things from simply using the Second Life viewer all the way to building and texturing complex 'products', you'll see that getting started was all you needed. Your creativity with flow like a sleuce opened in a flood of ideas and projects.
And now, what many fear the most about creation in Second Life: scripting with Linden Scripting Language, the kick-start you need is finally available! Toerley is a huge resource for all residents when it comes to making your Second Life not only interesting and enjoyable (most of the time) but also productive for you and possibly profitable.
Now, the newest TorleyTute gets you started in the most complex of all things Second Life: scripting! So take advantage of Torley's Tutes. They are a massive resource to get you started and your creative juices flowing.
They say opportunity only knocks once. Well, thanks to Toerley's Tutes, and this one in-particular, it's still knocking. So when will you open the door and say hello?
Torley sez: "I know firsthand that many of us are curious, but fear getting started. I’m here to shine a light on the fact that there are tutorials and exceptionally easy-to-use tools to smooth your path into Linden Scripting Language!"

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