The "Village" Sucks. Burn it Down Now.
Remember how they were saying for the longest time that "it takes a village" to raise your children. Pardon my French, but the village is f*ck'd. The problem with 'kids' today is all because of the 'village'. The village is evil and corrupts our children's lives. The village turns innocence into promiscuity. The village needs to burn.
The "village" as was proclaimed are all the other people involved in your children's lives besides yourself. School teachers, friends, television and media. Everything they are exposed to during waking and even sleeping hours will have a profound effect on their perspective and outlook on things.
The problem is the "village" includes all the bad influences in society. Sex and drugs on television. Harsh expletives in the music they listen to on the public airways, and the language and intent of the lyrics and what they actually are saying in those songs. It's no wonder 8-year-olds, yes: 8-year-olds talk about "humping" and "banging" and such. I worked for a Boys and Girls club for a time and trust me, it's really there.
In the end, places like Second Life and it's seedier locations are really nothing special. it's just the same crap that happens in Real Life. The only difference is: it's not hidden away in some corner where everyone else pretends to not know it's really there.
And the so-called "main-stream media" is no different. The problem with the so-called 'main-stream media' is that they are losing credibility faster than the speed of light. They are laughable. And yet, they are giving new parents advice on how they should watch-out for their kids. Take the following quote from the Los Angeles Times:
Okay, what is wrong with this statement?
If it doesn't jump out and slap you in the face, then perhaps you are the target audience of the "main-stream media".
In which case, I then pity you.
The "village" as was proclaimed are all the other people involved in your children's lives besides yourself. School teachers, friends, television and media. Everything they are exposed to during waking and even sleeping hours will have a profound effect on their perspective and outlook on things.
The problem is the "village" includes all the bad influences in society. Sex and drugs on television. Harsh expletives in the music they listen to on the public airways, and the language and intent of the lyrics and what they actually are saying in those songs. It's no wonder 8-year-olds, yes: 8-year-olds talk about "humping" and "banging" and such. I worked for a Boys and Girls club for a time and trust me, it's really there.
In the end, places like Second Life and it's seedier locations are really nothing special. it's just the same crap that happens in Real Life. The only difference is: it's not hidden away in some corner where everyone else pretends to not know it's really there.
And the so-called "main-stream media" is no different. The problem with the so-called 'main-stream media' is that they are losing credibility faster than the speed of light. They are laughable. And yet, they are giving new parents advice on how they should watch-out for their kids. Take the following quote from the Los Angeles Times:
Tips for online safety - Los Angeles Times
"Don't let your children on sites such as Second Life unless they are old enough to handle adults on their own."
Okay, what is wrong with this statement?
If it doesn't jump out and slap you in the face, then perhaps you are the target audience of the "main-stream media".
In which case, I then pity you.

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