Second Life™ "Discovery" of SHARKS!
Second Life is really growing in the education universe. Colleges and universities are plopping campuses and virtual classrooms all over the grid and there are real time lessons being conducted. Why? Because of the immersion and experience.
Being in a three-dimensional, even computer-generated virtual world has such a profound mental and emotional impact that it is highly effective at immersion. The thought and feeling of actually 'being there'.
Of course, this is no secret whatsoever to existing Second Life residents.
A long-time huge supporter of educational effort is the Discovery Channel. Among my favorite stations. The Discovery Channel and also found itself embracing Second Life in a big way with regard to their educational effort and so, they often team-up Second Life activities in conjunction with their television programming, which I personally feel is brilliant!
It started with teaming up their web properties with whatever is going on regarding the television schedule. Now, mix-in Second Life and you can experience Shark Week like you never have before, scuba gear included!
Spend a little quality television time on the Discovery Channel during 'Shark Week', learn more about it all at the Discovery Channel web site, then take a peek at the Discovery Education Network web and plop in-world to actually experience a bit of what you learn.
Now to me, this is how all things come together for a real, exciting and entertaining educational experience. Be sure to REGISTER early for your in-world dive experience!
"Everyone who pre-registers will receive a complete Scuba Diving outfit with equipment for free. (If you miss the pre-registration you can still participate however you will not get the free equipment.)"

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