Second Life for Sex? Duh.
Finally, a decent news article about Second Life and it's about Second Life as it relates to sex and cyber activities. A journalist that does do his research and tells it like it is.
No bogus sensationalism. No over-hype or slam-downs. Just straight, simple reporting and I find to be the most accurate thus far in the two years since I've been in Second Life and following along. Pop-over and have a read.
Second Life doesn't come up until about half-way down the column, but it really is a good and entertaining read.
No bogus sensationalism. No over-hype or slam-downs. Just straight, simple reporting and I find to be the most accurate thus far in the two years since I've been in Second Life and following along. Pop-over and have a read.
Second Life doesn't come up until about half-way down the column, but it really is a good and entertaining read.
Source: The Daily Californian
"Certainly not everyone's on Second Life for the virtual booty, but that's got to be a perk. And hey, even though it isn't free, it's likely a lot cheaper than a Japanese sex doll or a Piston Robot. You can dress up your avatar the way you want and approach people (or, OK, other avatars) you'd never dream of approaching IRL. There are sex clubs. There are orgy rooms. There are no STIs. The more I think about it, the more sensible it sounds."

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