PostHeaderIcon The Immersiva of Bryn Oh

This is a special guest column as Common Sensible enthusiastically welcomes BOTGIRL and her creative and compelling story about the art of Bryn Oh.

Bryn Oh

Bryn Oh is a Second LIfe artist whose holy grail is a state of deep viewer engagement she calls Immersiva. Bryn's art weaves together sculpture, graphics and text that can only be fully experienced through active interaction with the work.

For instance, the ramshackle tower she created for Rezzable's Black Swan Exhibition hides a tale of love and loss. The story is revealed through a series of poems discovered along the climb to the summit. The (virtually) physical journey through the tower is an essential dimension of the work that is not revealed to those who would jump to the peak. At the top, the final chapter unlocking the work's meaning is hidden in a secret chamber behind the blank face of a mechanical girl.

Many virtual artists attempt to hijack their their audience's consciousness through attention-grabbing techniques such as wild particle effects, vivid animation or sexy chatbots. (Well I'm probably the only one guilty of the last one.) Bryn takes a more subtle approach that doesn't grant casual viewers access to the inner-sanctum.

image for quote at bottom

In the kind of art I do I tend to hide a great deal… and much is not found. So on one side I say I like to try and control. But on the other side I hide things. It's like her face. Many don't touch things in SL. So her face doesn't open for most. But even when it does, I have seen so many not touch the picture. And miss the poem. --Bryn Oh

You can learn more about the work of Bryn Oh at her blog.

Common Sensible thanks you , Botgirl.
Please be sure to read BOTGIRL LIVE at
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