Finally: Newbie Column Done Right
Mitch Wagner of InformationWeek posts a second Second Life article as promised. And though it is likely a bit on the boring side for most Second Life blog readers - those of you with respectable SL experience in-world - it's another newbie-orientation column that actually does the job nicely. I know, rolls eyes, right?
Yes and no. Yes because there are a lot of these out there and so, here comes another one. But 'no' because Mitch really does capture a full-encompassing overview of what Second Life is, what you can do there, where you can go (and even points out the more popular blogs and web sites to help you out before putting your new digital shoes on.)
He doesn't speak down to you (isn't that what it always feels like to read these kind of articles for us 'oldbies'?) And he is pretty concise and very, wait, no, I'll rephrase: astonishingly accurate in his descriptions, and providing links and, URLs and even SLURLS (and briefly describing what a SLURL is,) along with it all. and it's nice that Mitch actually points to authoritative sources that have been around a while and are accurate in their own descriptions and information (and I'm really happy to see SLWTF make an honorable mention and link in Mitch's column, too)
Here's a sample of the way a professional writer concisely and cleanly, yet accurately and completely describes something:
Second Life's Popularity Rests On Breadth Of Activities -- second life -- InformationWeek:
I read Mitch's column all the time (I'm an old I.T. hand and like his columns) and I recommend him if you follow the same kind of news. But I especially enjoy his Second Life columns because he gets it right.
Mitch is in Second Life. He is not a newbie. He knows what he's talking about and with the experience of professionally passing news and explaining things: this is a Second Life Newbie column to point your grandmother and everyone else curious about Second Life to.
Kudos, Mitch. Excellent newbie fare here.
Yes and no. Yes because there are a lot of these out there and so, here comes another one. But 'no' because Mitch really does capture a full-encompassing overview of what Second Life is, what you can do there, where you can go (and even points out the more popular blogs and web sites to help you out before putting your new digital shoes on.)
He doesn't speak down to you (isn't that what it always feels like to read these kind of articles for us 'oldbies'?) And he is pretty concise and very, wait, no, I'll rephrase: astonishingly accurate in his descriptions, and providing links and, URLs and even SLURLS (and briefly describing what a SLURL is,) along with it all. and it's nice that Mitch actually points to authoritative sources that have been around a while and are accurate in their own descriptions and information (and I'm really happy to see SLWTF make an honorable mention and link in Mitch's column, too)
Here's a sample of the way a professional writer concisely and cleanly, yet accurately and completely describes something:
Second Life's Popularity Rests On Breadth Of Activities -- second life -- InformationWeek:
"You can shop for virtual clothing, furniture and buildings. Second Life also provides tools for creating that kind of content, and you can go into business to sell your creations, or partner or get a job working for someone else selling their handiwork.
"Sightseeing is very popular; Second Life travel blogs, where you can learn about new Second Life places to see and things to do, include Ambling in Second Life, Not Possible IRL, SL Things to Do, and SLWTF. SL Things to Do, for example, recently had a write-up on people training for real-life triathlons in Second Life."
I read Mitch's column all the time (I'm an old I.T. hand and like his columns) and I recommend him if you follow the same kind of news. But I especially enjoy his Second Life columns because he gets it right.
Mitch is in Second Life. He is not a newbie. He knows what he's talking about and with the experience of professionally passing news and explaining things: this is a Second Life Newbie column to point your grandmother and everyone else curious about Second Life to.
Kudos, Mitch. Excellent newbie fare here.

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