Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say
So, you read blogs, huh? You follow Second Life news wherever you can get it? Unfortunately, some of what you get in the way of "news" is all crap and I don't mean Crap Mariner, but rather alarmist, sensationalist bullshit.
There there are those who think they are humble unknowns: Garth Goode's SLWTF and Cen's Two Cents are my two favorites. They are favorites because they are simple, opinion-based and for some unknown reason, interesting to me.
In the case of SLWTF, Garth simply takes us on a (almost) daily tour of some location he's found in Second Life. He usually provides SLURLs in his posts and I like it a lot better than the "Things to Do" blog. He is much more consistent and really does find fascinating places. Damned him for stealing my idea by thinking of it first!
I like Cen's blog because it's a good perspective from one person who isn't out to ruffle feathers and create acid-like fervor among the throngs like others (anyone ever heard of Tenshi Vielle?)
Then there are the ones like me. I tell it all like it is. it's why Tenshi, among a lot of others I am sure, simply loath me with a purple passion and wish me to burn in hell for eternity. It's because I couldn't care any less about what you think. You'll either agree or disagree with me, but if not, then we'll just have to agree to disagree because we likely will not be changing each other's minds.
The problem with blogs like the Second Life Herald and bloggers like Tenshi is that they can be dangerous under the right circumstances. But I've already written about that.
I find there are a lot of really good people in SL. I mean really, deep inside good. Goodness and niceness is in every fiber of their public being. but they are human. They feel the frustration and anger and confusion and passion just like everyone else. The difference is in order to be nice to you, they keep it inside.
So, pop over to take a look at Cen's thoughts. and after that, subscribe to her blog. it's actually interesting and I haven't the faintest idea why. Oh, and she's hot. I have every intention to find her in-world, collar her and steal her ass from her other half all for myself ~evl grin~
Read Cen's thoughts
Fortunately, the majority of blogs out there are good ones. Most are simple commentary on in-world experience and what's happening, or they are product or other business-oriented information blogs. A lot are informational, like 'Things to Do' and a majority of what Hamlet (James Au) posts over at New World Notes.
There there are those who think they are humble unknowns: Garth Goode's SLWTF and Cen's Two Cents are my two favorites. They are favorites because they are simple, opinion-based and for some unknown reason, interesting to me.
In the case of SLWTF, Garth simply takes us on a (almost) daily tour of some location he's found in Second Life. He usually provides SLURLs in his posts and I like it a lot better than the "Things to Do" blog. He is much more consistent and really does find fascinating places. Damned him for stealing my idea by thinking of it first!
I like Cen's blog because it's a good perspective from one person who isn't out to ruffle feathers and create acid-like fervor among the throngs like others (anyone ever heard of Tenshi Vielle?)
Then there are the ones like me. I tell it all like it is. it's why Tenshi, among a lot of others I am sure, simply loath me with a purple passion and wish me to burn in hell for eternity. It's because I couldn't care any less about what you think. You'll either agree or disagree with me, but if not, then we'll just have to agree to disagree because we likely will not be changing each other's minds.
The problem with blogs like the Second Life Herald and bloggers like Tenshi is that they can be dangerous under the right circumstances. But I've already written about that.
I find there are a lot of really good people in SL. I mean really, deep inside good. Goodness and niceness is in every fiber of their public being. but they are human. They feel the frustration and anger and confusion and passion just like everyone else. The difference is in order to be nice to you, they keep it inside.
CeN's Two Cents: I Have Some Things To Say: "Before I started this thing I used to think that if I ever did have a blog it wouldn’t be all about I love everybody, and every Sim I’ve ever been to is amazing, and every piece of clothing I’ve ever bought was the best thing ever. I wanted to be me, to be real. Let’s call that plan a fail ok?"This is likely true with many of the bloggers you might read. hell, even Prokofy Neva likely holds a bit back, though they do get their mind out, but in good writing style. So my point is: Cen, it's okay to let it out. Come on over here. Here, you can say whatever the hell you want (as long as it's truthful, unlike Tenshi.)
Yes, I bash Tenshi a lot. But she's earned it wholeheartedly.
So, pop over to take a look at Cen's thoughts. and after that, subscribe to her blog. it's actually interesting and I haven't the faintest idea why. Oh, and she's hot. I have every intention to find her in-world, collar her and steal her ass from her other half all for myself ~evl grin~
Read Cen's thoughts

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