More Bleeding Hearts in Second Life <Yawns>

So another tree-hugging wacko by the name of Laurel Papworth - oh, no - wait... I mean a rock-hugging wacko thinks what happens in Second Life actually matters to anyone else in the world who gives a fuck as it relates to real life. It's typical political correctness gone amuck. Of course, this is understandable as it's from the same country where the news of Terrorists in Second Life is actually expected to be taken seriously as published in the news.
So the big whine is that Big Pond, (an Australian ISP,) who owns a private sim, (a.k.a. 'island'; 'estate'; 'region',) in Second Life have done the big no-no by placing advertising - oops, I mean "graffiti" (okay reader, here is where you gasp loudly, become light-headed and faint-of heart,) in front of Uluru, a.k.a. Ayers Rock on the center of Australia - and inside Second Life, to boot. Okay, so it's considered holier-than-thou to the Aborigines. OH! Shit, sorry... I mean the Native Australians.
Laurel Papworth sez: "Incidentally, BigPond went to a lot of trouble to get permission to use Uluru in Second Life - you are not allowed to walk on it for instance. What the hell happened here? o.O For Gawd's sake, give the community responsibility but don't let them run amok.... retain some control!"Okay.
You know, it's actually kind of thoughtful of Big Pond to even go through all that trouble to "get permission" to recreate Uluru in SL. Though, I think it's more like getting a "blessing" more than actual "permission." Second Life is a bunch of pixels on a damned computer screen. it doesn't exist, except in the middle of the outback on the island nation.
So, if I take a picture of Uluru and scripple all over the face of that picture, am I defaming Uluru? Am I insensitive to the Abor.. er... "Native Australians"? Laurel Papworth: you need to stop taking things so seriously and get a life. A third one as the first two are apparently very upsetting for you.
[Edit: Laurel responded to this article with a statement that I might consider swastikas. Uh, that's already been done. Again and again in SL. The point, as I responded to her talk-back is this: A noble effort, Laurel. The problem is you are backward. It's laughable to bring SL issues into RL. Now, the other way around is understandable and actually works.]
Hmmm, think I'll go to Big Pond's estate, find Uluru in-world, snap a few pictures and prop them up on my estates... right behind the advertising that helps pay my tier fees. Just like it does for everyone else - including Big Pond.
Bonehead tree-hugger forcing their ideas down our throats as usual. How about you go the the Abori... er, "Native Australians" and tell them about it. So they can talk to Big Pond and maybe revoke the "permission" to have Uluru in-world in Second Life.
/me really needed a good laugh. Think I'll send flowers to Laurel Papworth for the effort.
Hmmm, think I'll go to Big Pond's estate, find Uluru in-world, snap a few pictures and prop them up on my estates... right behind the advertising that helps pay my tier fees. Just like it does for everyone else - including Big Pond.
Bonehead tree-hugger forcing their ideas down our throats as usual. How about you go the the Abori... er, "Native Australians" and tell them about it. So they can talk to Big Pond and maybe revoke the "permission" to have Uluru in-world in Second Life.
/me really needed a good laugh. Think I'll send flowers to Laurel Papworth for the effort.

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