PostHeaderIcon Will Second Life Transform the Way We Do Business?

Good question asked by the editor who slapped it up as the headline to Lynda Larsen's article about "web 2.0" and the future of 3D interaction on the internet. The good thing about Lynda's article is that it is accurate and doesn't really blow things out of proportion. It really is a serious look at Second Life as it relates to the headlined question.

Lynda is in Second Life, a self-proclaimed 'newbie' with a rezdate (Second Life Birthdate) of July 1st, 2008, though she fortunately ages quickly. I don't know how much time in this range of dates she has actually spent in-world. Though her article is well-written and fair from my own perspective. She, at least, does know what she is talking about in describing Second Life, unlike the other media meatheads who haven't a single clue.

The interesting thing is that Lynda is using Second Life in a business or 'professional' capacity. Thus, her perspectives are a bit different and she uses the system differently than most residents, especially those are are here for fun and games, role-playing and overtly leisurely purposes.

For example, she actually learnt to rely on the 'Events' calendar to do a little research. To be fair, her category filter of choice was "education', which is very likely not gamed as much as and as sloppy as ,ost other category filters, and likely got very good, clean results that actually pertained to her query.

Or, she's being very nice by not expressing the frustration at finding a lot of crappy, non-relevant enties palouting the result list.
Lynda of The Epoch Times sez:
'Intel spokesman Bill Calder was quoted in the Atlanta Journal Constitution as saying the 3-D computing is “an area that’s going to explode” due to intense consumer demand for high definition movies, gaming and digital photography. 3-D is where the creative edge of computer programming lies.Second Life is a 3-D game that has taken social networking to the next level. Wagner James Au, freelancer and (formerly) embedded reporter in Second Life, is quoted as saying in his book blurb that many believe that user-created worlds like Second Life will become the framework for a revolution in the way we shop, work and interact. In addition, the technology analyst firm, Gartner Inc., has projected that 80 percent of all active Internet users will be involved in virtual worlds by 2011, according to their website.'


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