Leaving Lessons:SL Break-ups Civil? ...Or Not?
So, as I poke around my usual news-feeds - like most other bloggers who report on things they see about Second Life (as opposed to those who just write about their experience in Second Life) - I came across an interesting article in The Australian. I read it. it's an interesting take on breaking-up from your spouse, girl-friend, boy-friend, whatever.
The article isn't about Second Life specifically. Even though SL does get an honorable mention - nothing bad or good, just a passing reference - the article does touch on the idea of monogamy versus polyamorous relationships, which both seem to be quite common in-world, though some "poly" relationships unfortunately occur secretively across alt-accounts, I suspect.
I've been in-world long enough to experience a few 'relationships' and have run the gambit of break-ups just like everyone else who's been in SL as long (or longer) than I have. Of course the the wicked, nasty, she-will-haunt-you-for-a-year break-up; there's the "I lied to you, I'm really married" routine, there's even the 'poof'-where-did-they-go-to-hope-everything-is-okay disappearance. Are we not all adults here?
I know this is going to come-out wrong, but: the 'best' break-up I ever had was when we both discussed our wants and needs and decided as adults to remain close, dear friends, and really - from our hearts - wish happiness for the other. The is a "good break-up".
Unfortunately, the one I am referring to in my personal experience hasn't been in-world for awhile, but I really do wish her the best. Find a good man, have fun. The point is this: as we go through relationships, why do so many have to be the nasty, wicked, painful nuclear war?
Don't get any ideas, you.
Leaving lessons | The Australian: "Love has become a many-partnered thing for many Australian adults – and the advent of online dating and other forms of virtual pairing, from Second Life to mobile-phone speed dating, have fuelled the trend further. But there’s a B-side as well. For every attraction we experience there is an equal and opposite reaction: and every new partner implies a previous break-up, whether barbarous, civilised or somewhere in between."

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