Why the JIRA Hogwash?
Vint Falken highlights a JIRA entry in the Linden Lab (Second Life) PJIRA that has to do with transaction history readability. The issues has to do with the generic description of "gift" whenever one person pays another person directly.
If I pay you (or my alt) some money directly, I don't want to have to fiddle with another fields to fill-in to explain the reason. In truth, even if you asked me to, I probably wouldn't bother. I'm lazy that way.
On top of that, what happens if there is a burst of lag or something that causes the fields to get transposed or something? Okay, so good idea if it's there and people choose to use it. I personally won't bother.
However, what if they make it a mandatory field before the money is transferred? Then it becomes a bad idea. The first rule of business is to allow people to give you their money as easily as humanly possible. Adding an additional step before allowing money to transfer just hampers the process, not make it any easier or more efficient.
So I guess the argument comes down to 'what is the answer then, to allow those who provide services or otherwise want to track the purpose of monetary exchanges?"
The answer is S. I. M. P. L. E.
Let's say I did some service for you. Say, I wrote a script for you. Now, I know that a lot of these kind of 'services' are always handled complete through IMs. Well, I don't do that. I handle all my transactions 'face-to-face', but I digress.
I will box the script and drop it on the ground. Name the box with what it is and who it's for. Set it for sale with the appropriate amount. TP the customer to come get his script.
Tell him to "buy that box and then take it.
Transaction history will show me who paid how much and what for, as well as the where and when. No need for another interface change the way I see it.
Now, I'm not disagreeing with the JIRA suggestion. I'm just saying why waste recourses on this? The people in favor of it simply need to "think outside the box" (pardon the pun) and be a little more creative with the way that actually conduct their transactions.
Lindens: please work on something more pressing that should take a bit higher priority that to placate the laziness of some people to actually adapt to the existing conditions rather than trying to change it for everyone else.
To clarify: I the SCRIPT idea is a good one. My input is on the blue payment dialog.
Wanna know why he paid you? | VintFalken.com: "An extra input field in the ‘Pay Dialogue’ where one can add the ‘reason’ for the payment. Where this information is entered, it will show up in the transaction history in stead of the vague ‘gift’."Yes, overall this is a good idea. But it won't work. Or rather, it won't be used. Or, it will be turned from a good idea into a very bad idea. And here's why...
If I pay you (or my alt) some money directly, I don't want to have to fiddle with another fields to fill-in to explain the reason. In truth, even if you asked me to, I probably wouldn't bother. I'm lazy that way.
On top of that, what happens if there is a burst of lag or something that causes the fields to get transposed or something? Okay, so good idea if it's there and people choose to use it. I personally won't bother.
However, what if they make it a mandatory field before the money is transferred? Then it becomes a bad idea. The first rule of business is to allow people to give you their money as easily as humanly possible. Adding an additional step before allowing money to transfer just hampers the process, not make it any easier or more efficient.
So I guess the argument comes down to 'what is the answer then, to allow those who provide services or otherwise want to track the purpose of monetary exchanges?"
The answer is S. I. M. P. L. E.
Let's say I did some service for you. Say, I wrote a script for you. Now, I know that a lot of these kind of 'services' are always handled complete through IMs. Well, I don't do that. I handle all my transactions 'face-to-face', but I digress.
I will box the script and drop it on the ground. Name the box with what it is and who it's for. Set it for sale with the appropriate amount. TP the customer to come get his script.
Tell him to "buy that box and then take it.
Transaction history will show me who paid how much and what for, as well as the where and when. No need for another interface change the way I see it.
Now, I'm not disagreeing with the JIRA suggestion. I'm just saying why waste recourses on this? The people in favor of it simply need to "think outside the box" (pardon the pun) and be a little more creative with the way that actually conduct their transactions.
Lindens: please work on something more pressing that should take a bit higher priority that to placate the laziness of some people to actually adapt to the existing conditions rather than trying to change it for everyone else.
To clarify: I the SCRIPT idea is a good one. My input is on the blue payment dialog.

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