PostHeaderIcon Second Life: Coming Soon in Ten Languages

I see Robin Linden is still at Linden Lab. Good. I didn't have any doubt, of course. But we never seem to hear from her. Ever. Out in the real world, anyway.

It's the Second Life blog. All but dead. No one even bothers to read it anymore. The passion is gone, the only things ever posted there are boring snippets of what is happening behind the scenes that Linden lab is hopeful will be newsworthy enough to be printed somewhere.

In my case, right now - I couldn't care any less about the conversion and transcoding of languages with respect to second Life. Yes, it is a good thing. Congratulations Linden {yawn} Lab.

The news here, to me, is that Robin speaks:
Second Life: Coming Soon in Ten Languages: "There’s been a quiet revolution going on, as international Second Life Residents and a small number of Lindens work together to translate tens of thousands of text strings and critical web pages into nine key languages."

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