When is It "Stoic" and When Is It "Shrill"?
I don't know you, Bob. And I won't judge you.
However, in response to your blog post, I must say that I have to side with Prospero Linden on this one. The problem with a lot of people in Second Life - especially those who've been in world a long time (and I include myself in this) - they tend to come-off a lot harsher and vitriolic than perhaps they intended.
The source of the problem is the lack of all the visual and audible cues people rely on when receiving communication from another person.
So, for my readers: I ask you to read these three questions directed at the Lindens, specifically Prospero Linden, and give your own feedback on the tone you take from them:
Okay, okay... as someone who knows he himself is rather cynical and stoic even in real life, I'll be the first to say that I understand these questions are simply posed "matter-of-factly'. Unfortunately, the receiving end of them might tend to take them as being rather harsh. As though you are talking-down with disgust. As though your disdain is complete for all things Linden.
That's how it comes-off, anyway.
So, in retrospect, your blog post is a good one and makes some good points, I agree. However, the source material of your blog post is the storm you have called down upon yourself, in my opinion. It does seem as though the way you phrased your questions that you did intend them to be at least slightly offensive in nature and to at least ruffle a few feathers. Certainly the exact same questions could have been phrased better to illicit a genuine and complete response, even if that response is just spin.
No offense intended at all, here. I dont think the frictional nature of phrasing was fully intentional (but definitely partially intentional at best,) but rather a simple matter of fact way of putting things.
So, fine readers of mine - all five of you - what do you think?
courtesy of Inside Second Life
However, in response to your blog post, I must say that I have to side with Prospero Linden on this one. The problem with a lot of people in Second Life - especially those who've been in world a long time (and I include myself in this) - they tend to come-off a lot harsher and vitriolic than perhaps they intended.
The source of the problem is the lack of all the visual and audible cues people rely on when receiving communication from another person.
So, for my readers: I ask you to read these three questions directed at the Lindens, specifically Prospero Linden, and give your own feedback on the tone you take from them:
Bob Bunderfeldsez: "In the Original Beta we were more then happy to help Linden Lab find and squash as many bugs as we could in the time we had, now you are asking for an Open Ended commitment from us? Will you be paying us? Will you be offering LifeTime Accts to those that attend regularly and jump through the PJIRA hoops?
"So just exactly what are you offering? Are you going to LISTEN and COMMUNICATE with those that participate, or just do your usual brush off routine?
"Will you treat these BETA testers better then you did your OPEN SOURCE developers? Many of whom have abandoned the project because Linden Lab Employee's openly trashed their coding. Will you be any more 'Professional' this time around, or act the same way?"
Okay, okay... as someone who knows he himself is rather cynical and stoic even in real life, I'll be the first to say that I understand these questions are simply posed "matter-of-factly'. Unfortunately, the receiving end of them might tend to take them as being rather harsh. As though you are talking-down with disgust. As though your disdain is complete for all things Linden.
So, in retrospect, your blog post is a good one and makes some good points, I agree. However, the source material of your blog post is the storm you have called down upon yourself, in my opinion. It does seem as though the way you phrased your questions that you did intend them to be at least slightly offensive in nature and to at least ruffle a few feathers. Certainly the exact same questions could have been phrased better to illicit a genuine and complete response, even if that response is just spin.
No offense intended at all, here. I dont think the frictional nature of phrasing was fully intentional (but definitely partially intentional at best,) but rather a simple matter of fact way of putting things.
So, fine readers of mine - all five of you - what do you think?
courtesy of Inside Second Life

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