Typical Dip-shit 'Business' News
As is your typical dip-shit "breaking news" report about Second Life, the news-starved amateurs over at Silicon Alley lap-up the latest Linden Lab press-release spin, hook, line and sinker:
Of course, anyone even paying the slightest attention to anything like this will easily notice between yawns that this is version 2.0.
In the so-called 'real world' that would basically mean (in any form of english, bastardized or not - well, hell - in any language) that this is not a "new pitch" as you so ignorantly put it.
And of course your spin on their spin just makes anyone with half a brain just want to puke. "3D Teleconferencing" has been going on in Second Life for more than a year now.
As for 'Immersive Spaces' being a 'new product', I refer you back to my first rebuttal of this sloppy reporting on your behalf. How funny that half-way through this paragraph you seem to have an epiphany about how new it is.
Oh and for any readers (especially the knuckle-heads I'm writing about) who have a problem with my rude, crude, uncalled-for comments about Silicon Alley or this reporter (Eric Krangel,) I refer you to the headline of this trash and also the very next sentence in his so-called 'news article':
Second Life Offers Business Teleconferencing, Now Penis-Free: "Linden Lab has a new pitch for Second Life: it wants to be a 3D teleconferencing platform for enterprise customers. Today the company announced a new product called 'Immersive Workspaces,' an area in Second Life set aside for corporate meetings. Of course, you could already do that years ago, but this new product is 'a completely exclusive and secure experience, with no connectivity to the Second Life mainland.'
Of course, anyone even paying the slightest attention to anything like this will easily notice between yawns that this is version 2.0.
In the so-called 'real world' that would basically mean (in any form of english, bastardized or not - well, hell - in any language) that this is not a "new pitch" as you so ignorantly put it.
And of course your spin on their spin just makes anyone with half a brain just want to puke. "3D Teleconferencing" has been going on in Second Life for more than a year now.
As for 'Immersive Spaces' being a 'new product', I refer you back to my first rebuttal of this sloppy reporting on your behalf. How funny that half-way through this paragraph you seem to have an epiphany about how new it is.
Oh and for any readers (especially the knuckle-heads I'm writing about) who have a problem with my rude, crude, uncalled-for comments about Silicon Alley or this reporter (Eric Krangel,) I refer you to the headline of this trash and also the very next sentence in his so-called 'news article':
In other words, business users can be confident no one will crash their event with a barrage of flying penises."

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