Presidential Campaign Rhetoric In-world ~/Me Yawns~
I find it interesting that the U.S. Presidential campaign will find it's way into second Life. it's inevitable, of course and I am not really laughing at any of it. But rather more like wondering 'why?'
Why do I ask why?
Because I don't like either of them. In fact, I'm not happy with the Democrats or the Republicans. They both work real hard to f*ck-up the country and do nothing about it but blame each-other.
The main difference I see is that most liberals are serious hypocrites. They proclaim peace and ke-se-ra, se-ra and all that, but will haul-off and smack you down first. They shout to the bible-thumpers to not shove their ideas down their throats, but yet demand all gun-owners give-up their second amendment rights.
As for the conservatives, they tend to be holier-than-thou, against abortion and the whole woman's 'right to choose' business and simply refuse to really look into alternative energy and all that.
So, this year, as much as last time, the real vote decision-makers will be the fence-sitters. The ones who will wait until the last minute to make that most important decision - because anything can happen to change one's mind. That's where I am. I like Obama's ideas about a lot of things. Most of it, in fact. But when I saw his financial plan, the hair on the back of my neck stood-up. I don't play the spin-game. I judge things for myself. Every indication is that the country will go further deficit and Social Security will die a faster, painful death. (There are no capitol gains left, Mr. Obama. Those were wiped out which the Stock Market dive, remember?)
I like that McCain won't take shit from anyone looking to hurt us on the security front, but what is he going to do about alternative energy and fuel prices and the the internal economy at home - screw the rest of the world? Fuel prices are killing everyone. (Mr. McCain, why is Brazil not feeling the hurt we are? Because they actually have smartcars!)
My political views are not important, much less even interesting to you. My point here is all those people in Second Life having their rallies and parties and all that stuff are only preaching to the choir.
The conservatives preaches to other conservatives and the libs to other libs. The group both camps need to go after are the fence-sitters and I suspect most of them are going to be damned hard to find in Second Life.
In this age of 15-alts per person, deceit and scamming and I.P. Plagiarism and griefers, I suspect when you finally do feel good about yourself having 'convinced' someone to vote for your guy, you aren't getting the entire picture.
Were you just brushed-off? Duped? Griefed even? 90% liklihood your time was completely wasted. But what the hell, if it's all fun for you, drive-on.
Meh. Who knows.
I like to get my political news from more genuine sources... like the real world. I come into second Life to actually escape all that crap.
But, more importantly, who cares?
The Associated Press:: "John McCain supporters and Barack Obama supporters — more accurately, the personas they have created — meet regularly in Second Life, described on its Web site as 'an online, 3D virtual world imagined and created by its residents.'
Why do I ask why?
Because I don't like either of them. In fact, I'm not happy with the Democrats or the Republicans. They both work real hard to f*ck-up the country and do nothing about it but blame each-other.
The main difference I see is that most liberals are serious hypocrites. They proclaim peace and ke-se-ra, se-ra and all that, but will haul-off and smack you down first. They shout to the bible-thumpers to not shove their ideas down their throats, but yet demand all gun-owners give-up their second amendment rights.
As for the conservatives, they tend to be holier-than-thou, against abortion and the whole woman's 'right to choose' business and simply refuse to really look into alternative energy and all that.
So, this year, as much as last time, the real vote decision-makers will be the fence-sitters. The ones who will wait until the last minute to make that most important decision - because anything can happen to change one's mind. That's where I am. I like Obama's ideas about a lot of things. Most of it, in fact. But when I saw his financial plan, the hair on the back of my neck stood-up. I don't play the spin-game. I judge things for myself. Every indication is that the country will go further deficit and Social Security will die a faster, painful death. (There are no capitol gains left, Mr. Obama. Those were wiped out which the Stock Market dive, remember?)
I like that McCain won't take shit from anyone looking to hurt us on the security front, but what is he going to do about alternative energy and fuel prices and the the internal economy at home - screw the rest of the world? Fuel prices are killing everyone. (Mr. McCain, why is Brazil not feeling the hurt we are? Because they actually have smartcars!)
My political views are not important, much less even interesting to you. My point here is all those people in Second Life having their rallies and parties and all that stuff are only preaching to the choir.
The conservatives preaches to other conservatives and the libs to other libs. The group both camps need to go after are the fence-sitters and I suspect most of them are going to be damned hard to find in Second Life.
In this age of 15-alts per person, deceit and scamming and I.P. Plagiarism and griefers, I suspect when you finally do feel good about yourself having 'convinced' someone to vote for your guy, you aren't getting the entire picture.
Were you just brushed-off? Duped? Griefed even? 90% liklihood your time was completely wasted. But what the hell, if it's all fun for you, drive-on.
Meh. Who knows.
I like to get my political news from more genuine sources... like the real world. I come into second Life to actually escape all that crap.
They watch the presidential debates together. They make T-shirts, banners and yard signs. They hold voter registration drives and rally on Capitol Hill.Second Life is an Internet-based interactive world with an economy and cultures developed by its users, who create avatars — their personas in the virtual world — representing themselves in whatever form they want. More than 14 million users from around the world participate.Two men orchestrate the major presidential politicking in Second Life: Keith Mandell, 36, with the Obama camp, and Gordon Olivant, 43, with the McCainites. Neither has any connection to the real presidential campaigns."
But, more importantly, who cares?

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